Thursday, December 3, 2009

Smaire Armstrong Look Alikes

the Big Names

How does is internationally known musicians to Wil? Michael Sarbach proves as program director of the alternative clubs Gare de Lion, that one can be attractive even with little money.

A small club holds its own on the national floor: Michael Sarbach is program director of the Gare de Lion Wil.

Wil - backstage, bar, stage. Michael Sarbach out in the early evening easy by the well-equipped club at the Tracks. The man with the pleasant character but also different. Because the race is to the best musicians and bands from on high revs. Who is sleeping there, alone on stage at the end. Because the competition has intensified in the club scene in recent years. According Sarbach in the region play several premises in the same league: the "Palace" in St. Gallen, Rorschach, "Mary Berg," but also the "Salt House" and "gas station" in Winterthur.

The lover begins with a mail. It announces an agency all the major clubs have free data for an artist or a band. The call is to "Offer" the go-ahead a procedure that is meant for outsiders difficult. Many factors must be considered. Does the band enough audience? Does the singer to the concept of the club? Is it too early or late for this act? "It takes a lot of experience in order to survive in this game," says Michael Sarbach. Here, the correct assessment of the market value of the artist is crucial. Only then can the poker with the other clubs just the right price, throw in the round.

modest use money

past two years, the 28-year-old for the only alternative program in Wil responsible. It took into account the same two aggravating Factors to fight. For one, Wil is not just about the brilliance of a metropolis, the other is his use of money compared to other modest. The Gare de Lion, a former coach house, is supported by the city with only just 25 000 francs. Almost half of them will immediately go back for the rent. 20 000 francs come from Canton. Similar institutions are funded with amounts in the six figures. Therefore, the Lion team can rarely a properly known - afford - and therefore expensive Act. And in the wake of the massive slump in CD sales, have become even moderately well-known music combos only in the thousands range to have. "Compared to the past, the fees have doubled, "said Michael Sarbach.

Give and take

That the maximum of 400 viewers still see good bands always get has a lot to do with the shrewdness of the team. With successful parties they subsidize concerts and exhibitions across. This good contacts to help the agencies. Sarbach said: "It's a give and take. Sometimes we promote an unknown band of an agency and receive the next time the contract for a big name. "

The small club claimed so many years on the national stage. This is possible only thanks to a lot of idealism Sarbach & Co. For all the work volunteers. Michael Sarbach, of up to 40 hours per week in addition committed to his job as a music teacher, receives just 50 francs per month expense allowance. This will change, says Sarbach, seated in the council, not at all easy for once. (ThurgauerZeitung)

Source:, 03.12.2009. Author: Yann Cherubin, Image: Nana do Carmo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Skiing After Gallbladder Removal

I imagine the path I had to tread, as a hike over hill and dale before, I am now well on the way down - which ironically white good thing is I would have to be a time that is felt not so far away, never thought that I would again get to enjoy the emotional candor. . But I'm sure I've left the mountain behind me. Granted, it was a fantastic view from every angle, and even now, standing in the valley below, I can say that one of the most beautiful Mountains, which was I could be the lucky one to get on it (wow, here the metaphor is bad in the eye). Fortunately white I can now say with a wink. The tears have dried and I can say it without any tweaks somewhere in me or scratch. This has finally probably share a person who probably knows nothing of their power or their happiness. But I think that they need not. Meanwhile, it is still early enough to get hold of.

Hmm, a strange feeling as you stand up, turns around, sees behind him a snow-covered mountain, he is apparently weathered in the clouds. With a mixture of satisfaction and feeling "that it finally over, "overlooks the route to the 'here' And yet, one looks forward in the face of the -. in the distance hardly noticeable, but certainly closer to come -. Berges, waiting with a smile on sonnendurchbrochenen clouds on with a short melancholy takes the last view from the trodden path, one gathers, and begins slowly but surely the next promotion. In the sun awaits him.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rosary Bead Ankle Tattoos

Apart from the fact that a construction law issue has no place in any case to simply nothing in the Swiss constitution, the following reasons for a clear NO to the Minaret Initiative:

- It Are not the Muslims who now raise a claim for the construction of new minarets. The promoters want to ban something that today every religious community in Switzerland has a legally regulated right. This is a selective and discriminatory restrictions on religious freedom.

- The initiative and the debate missed the intended target. Existing problems and conflicts, such as convicted foreigners, status of women, the relationship between Islam and the Swiss State law have nothing to do with a ban on minarets. If adopted the initiative dialogue and possible joint solutions would be more difficult.

- A minaret ban creates new problems rather than solve existing ones. The formation of problematic "parallel societies" would with the adoption of the initiative does not prevent but encouraged the opposite.

- A large majority of the Muslim population of Switzerland is well integrated and respected Swiss legislation. Minarets is equated with terrorism and extremism, dangerous and wrong. Who in Switzerland fails to comply with the federal constitution is liable to prosecution. This also applies to those who challenge the religion of the law.

- The "battle" against other cultures or religions, was and is never a solution, but caused further conflict. Only an objective discussion and both sides will for integration can improve the current situation. Then a fertile possible co-and tolerant co-existence of different opinions and religious orientations as a basis for a respectful coexistence in a modern state.

with a clear no, we can still be proud of in a modern, open-minded and tolerant Switzerland to live. In a state where the law every time, giving everyone the freedom to live his faith and is understood to what multiculturalism not as a threat but as a value.

Created with. Vote and says No!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Phrases To Put On Koozies

If I do not know which to begin and end which I do, I usually have my musical moments. But I do not write poetry because. I write to free myself. From one of the most beautiful feelings that I could feel in the last 6 months. I free myself by choice, because I grabbed the foresight to me evident that, despite all the beauty, warmth, boundless reverie, I would have failed sooner or later, though.
It is difficult for me to present the events of the abstract. Far too close to me is the thing, much too warm and too strong a feeling of pain. We met and I love soon. Love would be too strong a word. Yet that was what I felt and feel something that I felt before in this kind of previously rare. It was more pink than, more than enthusiasm. Rather an inner conviction that it is this one girl who will live their lives by my side. I told her what I felt and they rejected me. That alone was not the problem, it gnawed at me well, but was nothing that could not bury me. What is rather thrilled about in me a deep faith. Not religious in nature - this will take me probably never love.
After the rings in it, I was convinced I would be the lucky one, you can find at my side, go with her through life. But it turned out differently, it could be expected and I needed it. Only contrary to my whole self I pulled the worst case did not include in my calculations. And just then he enters. I was taken, but stood up again. I came up again and went on my way past her as I thought. I thought the feelings would go away. In my silence until I could someday look back with a smile on the matter. But again, I was subject to error. Blindly I walked up to her, farther and closer. I could not get away from her, with every setback, every song with every picture, my heart moved closer to her. Always the one hope in mind: Maybe they would throw a second coin and this time I was in the favor of the hour. That was the thought that drove me to not give up. The feeling to move well, but not giving up. I secretly kept me always to be prepared, to the best case that they gave me their error of their decision would proclaim. Off the cuff, I had run several miles, running and even crawling.
But I took my emotional journey the trunk view for the essentials. A friend helped me on the legs. Showed me the improbability of what I thought possible. Referred me point out that my dream was nothing more than .. a dream. A soap bubble, beautiful in form, in all its glory, but devoid of content. There would be no second coin toss. And now back to my self, I am here, still feeling pregnant, ready to run ad hoc km to realize my dream.
I was asked what would give me the assurance that even if the coin me would have made, my happiness would have been given me, which would have given me absolutely certain that she would have been the one who. That's a good question. But, with my own - again, made known - to be sure, I think that this is one. The one that goes somewhere in the world, in South Africa or LA across the street, unaware that her here Jeniger what goes around, on the quiet search for her. And I continue to think if you took them, then you can feel the difference with this past, I'm meaning that I have the "conviction of a" first developed by them. Yes, so special is .. or she was. But it was not me
himself, who preached there must always primarily be about the happiness of my counterpart? Was not me who said it was necessary to cut to their own happiness, if that's the only chance for the happiness of others? Certainly. And I want to do. Taking its decision. It is well thought out they have, I hope so. I wish her, that she is happy, so happy I would have been willing to make. I wish that she will never regret their decision.
I wish this not from vanity, cynicism or scorned. Rather, I wish her that she never in a position where I have found myself, will come, for I am only now - finally - ready. I am willing to let her go. to bury my feelings. to give your way out of my head and my heart - to release them and eventually distance themselves from my feelings. That this my decision is well considered.
In this sense, a beautiful and happy life, (ever) seen again.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Side Effect Matcha Green Tea

a degree of happiness happiness

"It's not that you are happy. I want to be happy."
The quote is from a lover, expressed in a dispute over his partner. A few - I think - say it, but basically it is all about. It's about the happiness in life anyway, but in the love and the relationship even more. Man want to be happy. I think it's a good attitude, biological and human. The man is in his biology closer than selfishness than altruism creatures.
But I think there is an exception. I am firm supporter of the theory that no matter how many partners they had in his life, how many people one knows what one is doing does not matter. Out there somewhere is the one match. Of which there is exactly one. No more, maybe less. Perhaps there are people that have no counterpart, yes, but I think more than one partner in a positive not exist. Whether and now it comes from the same neighborhood, the same place, same country, let alone the same continent is questionable. I wonder sometimes that it's nonsense "to look out" to the One. After all, who tells me that I do not meet the woman I want to share with the rest of my life while I'm on safari in South Africa? That a suitable counterpart. The full Ergängzung. The person you can not scare, where you do no wrong, who loves what you hate yourself as such. Fills where it lacks a self. The one who completes.
And I think that's what the man at just this one man gives way to the principle of one's own happiness, biological selfishness' of the full devotion. To learn That, my idea is radical the Dar. point in life, if you meet these people, you know in which direction it goes. It? Everything. Also what was previously without direction, is still open. Even if you always went out of it, one is even around (= / = Next) then you will be free to withdraw for a view that is important. The career is no more vital future, it is rather basic condition for life with this man. Their own talents are no longer based on the self. This also takes place, he or she is a. But more important than these trivialities are the more abstract things.
happiness for example. Not my own. Contrary to all biology, so my belief is, by the meeting with the one man, one conviction, that his own happiness does not depend on the fulfillment of his desires and dreams makes. Do not assume that if you look back in 50 years and we think no error was made. All this is becoming less important. What counts is the happiness in the abstract person. And in all facets. In extreme cases, this means circumcised his own happiness to that, to promote the partner. And love is always an extreme case. But to do that, to many people I met too vain and selfish. They prefer to stay longer in the relationship, than to draw a line and the partner will be happy to part again completely to leave. But this one - my Überzeung - is if this person comes into our lives, we think different. We forget what we have learned, we forget what we want. What matters is to see these people laugh - and cry even if we have it. It is my firm conviction.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What Are The Big Furry Boots Called?

I think hate is a strong feeling. A strong and not to be underestimated emotion. To whom it applies is therefore always at the same time given a certain amount of honor. For who is hated, is felt for the afflicted, and although it is negative, but emotions are involved. A similar situation probably also the author of this quote:

"The worst sin we can do to our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent towards them. This is the essence of inhumanity. "

Not the last sentence, but the idea is one of the impulses so I few people in the world hate you. In figures probably no. No one is currently being hated worth. People think I use for bad , so hard feelings really, I do not hate, they are the same to me. This requires less effort and expresses more my antipathy anymore.
The problem the matter is, however, if the hate is directed more against themselves. If you dislike develops and his actions. A rejection of one's own behavior - Since the most obvious idea is to change it easily. Only if it does not change, it foments hatred. Dissatisfaction sets in, surprised to see one's own inability to avoid mistakes and coming. And that brings me to my starting point. Hate is the gentler form of disrespect, because they still feel included. Who can turn themselves have placed in hatred at some point in contempt? What happens then? How it manifests itself? Is this the moment where people of 14-storey buildings to jump from it to hope for better circumstances?
I guess nothing is what you will experience in some way themselves. Or is this one .. maybe even matter?

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Make Salmon Patties With Out Egg


I think, to make demands in whatever ways require a separate active. Usually in the corresponding form. When I speak of someone he wanted me to be good, I did the same thing for him to do. If I give someone in an emergency 10 €, I can expect the same on the opposite side. These are simple examples. Just what if the consideration is not to compare everything so easy?
The first time it occurred to me when I thought about what I expect from a man whom I call friend. Or can expect. I think I can expect from him limitless what I give him. If I - thought not necessarily in fact - from Monday morning ready for an exam I have to fly, 70km ride and me there to take care of someone, because it is he really sucks, I can just call the same no questions asked of him. So get yourself to be careful what one demands and always ask the same whether one is willing and able to afford (attributable).
I also am not sure if these thoughts present in my mind, or whether they spring from the human brain such as hatred, jealousy and envy. In a completely natural way also. Certainly there is no written table in my room where I people I know, certain numbers correlating them in the meaning of friends of weights. But I think everyone has a best friend / in. This is also a kind of evaluative consideration in the form one rank. The ranking number 1 Only someone who has 20-10 square in the head? Surely it is as even more difficult to distinguish between place 3 and 4. But someone I saw 2 times a week is moderately active nunmal on someone with not at all and I date him sporadically see when I'm already on the road. What I mean is, well, a precise distinction is not possible, usually not necessary, but a rough distinction - plastic 2-10 and 10-20 - but are more likely. Or am I mistaken? For me at least already. And then I also share my claims because my performance so I would be willing to provide one. Someone in the back of the list is me being in a Call by 4 clock in the morning no more than a "Ok, Good night" type. However, in the top five, I probably would have attracted before he or she may ask for it. The field in between it would be ultimately a matter of taste whether I would be just funny enough for me to torment ausm bed.
I do not know if all the thoughts are too unrealistic. For me they are everyday, they help me to coordinate the handling in emergency situations to justify my claims for myself, which together make the better: A Platz 1-5 get when I'm late sometimes a SMS "Sry 'm late, "while 10-15 place a handshake with the words" Can we go? " gets.
But differ just as important as the fact that some roughly to, I think the fact may be good enough to know opposite, as one can estimate roughly where you are even on the list. I mean, my number 1 is probably correspond well be his. Great, Bro. Only in the field behind it is still difficult to accommodate its own Upfield, if you noticed, you swim with the other side only in the rough average. What to do? Well degrade themselves? I mean it all sounds so pragmatic and less emotional, but I think that's essentially what happened there. I do not take signs from the wall and swap them out, but I'm suddenly about aware that certain rights, certain behaviors are therefore history. Or it could be never allowed.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Online Roulette From 0.01 $

There are moments in each life that are dark. Dark, gloomy, cold, dull and colorless. In short: really crappy. Triggered by a wide variety, but also irrelevant things. But what matters is to find that which brings back the color, which gives light and heat spread - in these times.
I think I've found it. Sure, the times remain gray, but it's a light at the end of the tunnel to see and which gives me the strength to endure what I can not change. In return, to change the force, which has can change. Passive, but active emotional. A long-lost and believed forgotten feeling. But it to germinate, and more each day. And it will probably return to a flower, a flower's what I would pompously call inner peace.
Almost better than the feeling as such, is the certainty that it is not lost. may be denied life difficult enough, but only as a half permanently, rather than the real world participating, man is hard to understand, difficult to arg. Sure it is too early to affirm the full participation of, but it still gives me the power of a big step forward to go.
You have to imagine it: You sit at home all are in some way among people, even just sitting with The Fray and silver moon in the empty apartment. The shutters are down, the room lit only by artificial light. A perfect setting for either 4 liters of chocolate ice cream and a love romance or a 45 and 3 balls. But, and here that matters, it feels good. There are moments of invulnerability. Moments in which one can fear nothing. At last you can see what matters in life, so what really matters. It gives everything a new meaning, or make any sense. One can see in which direction it goes or should go. This gives courage and fun to me at least. It makes everything so much easier to bear because there is always something the best - if only in spirit - can draw. All this combines in one person. Almost a miracle.
There are only minor pixels, let me think, feel and uncontrolled, but also a gentle feeling of lost control. At last I seem to find what I am or what I can be at least, and that makes me very positive. It gives the particular direction and meaning. No matter what is or will be, I have learned to be grateful for what is given me. I have learned to be frugal and I am now. Here and now. Grateful for what I get and frugal, alsdass I make no claims on all this. I guess what I have and not ask for more.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stop C00021a Fatal System Vista

Can you control feelings? I believe and fear the same time. I was able to present a large part of my refrain. Although they are beautiful, show me I'm alive and human, but ultimately they cause interference. They hinder me pull me in a direction which is already blocked, emotional and effective. I understand people are not right, "My next partner must accept that I need much time for me." Operating as the remarks
make the people worry about feelings? Certainly it would be nice if my next girlfriend booze as Papi and cook like Mom could. But somehow Is it not what is in the hands of the individual. Or is it? Are there people who choose to target, because a comparison on paper Sogut suits them, whether the same interests, appearance, or the environment, to develop feelings for this person? So for me it does not work. I think it would, I would have already picked out some person from my program ..
any case, I consider such statements for totally stupid. I am convinced also because a certain experience that, while it may be certain characteristics and attitudes (right? Dunno) that you'd love it if the partner could have, but essentially it's like this, you meet someone and either skin a direct or an egg out of the sock you learn to know the person better, and it develops into something, then it comes together and realizes that she is just like her own mother. Then you remember that you hate your own mother because she is the devil and separated again. Controlled does not sound like that. I mean who on God's green earth - I have a little blasphemy - has feelings for an opposite, in which he expected at least some level of emotional compatibility or can expect, and thinks it "jo, actually jam before the A8 louder butterflies in my stomach when I think of him / her think, but he / she cooks reluctant Then'd better not.. "? I do not know what I wonder naja preserved before many would have, but would also deprive me much. Currently, more likely preserved.
Well anyway, it would be easier, you could stop feeling so easy when you realize there is nothing objective in it ok, then feelings. Only well, the condition is fast to me, objectively nothing (+), ie eig then feelings. Since it does not work, I try it with displacement. I mean what in the Generation of alcoholics and their children will be worked out, but probably just work with me too. It has also, I became calmer, I could concentrate on the non-emotional-essential things in life and everything went its course. But that was my .... my what actually? In the me in, what is humming now and then the Tetris tune .. hm, Unconscious? Inner voice? In any case, something in me that I had no control what apparently driven against the strategy. Then you lie in bed at night sleeping, calmly. Then you start to dream.
The scene looks familiar to you. Oh, that's the past. But then it all goes too fast to wake up and the damage limit. I do. Them. We. Images. Rapidly. Her lips. My lips. Boom. Wide awake. And I'm back where I was 8 weeks. Hooray.
Joar, as I stand now and do not come from the trip down and knows exactly what happened before that a part in me hopes that oil prices below 1 € / L falls. And we'll, yes. Big thing.
Hmm, yes that is my current dilemma that every time when it's drying himself out again brings out the depth and corridors of my brain turns. Maybe I should just fill the convolutions with enough liquid to make it slip. Beer, for example .. ;-(

Monday, July 6, 2009


I'm sitting here, dead silence. All around me is so quiet, I'm afraid someone might hear my thoughts. Because they are noisy and wild. Shouting at me, the result of common ground. I only see her picture before me. In front of me and us. from us? it roar at me.
Outside it is 35 ° C. The sun is shining, the people look happy. It is so bright that my eyes . Pain To guard against this bright, friendly to me as a fair erbuntet translucent world I put my headphones into my ears. Here I can be for me, among all the people. There is a solitude that allows me to her drift. Back again. Where is she now? What she is doing? Do it to me and why not?
order to build the wall higher, I increase the maximum volume. In the hope the voice of the voice headset can in my head to drown. It is this song that binds my attention to it. Thanks to her I believe in angels, not in those with wings, no, not those with a halo, but those that one can feel at home.
fantasies crowding around my eye, I see, see us. We walk across the water, dream on us clouds. We can not be stopped, to go on and on, without a goal - but we do not need. We are the target.
on my skin as the sweat in my mind I'm with her, we are close to us, I see them, they can almost feel, almost smell it. Her face is coming closer to him and to her lips, very close to mine. Drops of sweat roll down from my skin, many little hills soft in my arms. It shakes me, I look and see the sun. At the very moment when the blinded light beam I lose my reality, I look again. Look around, someone has my thoughts heard? Everyone sits calm and focused and away from their desks. Sit on their books and computers.
had luck out the window at my side I see the sun sink, but a new one goes on - I set the letter and see it. She stands before me. Smiling.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Duane Reade Nail Polish Price

1,000 signatures against deportation of Tibetans

The Tibetan Lama Sonam leave from Rickenbach, Switzerland must. However, he resists. His friends contact for him: They collected signatures and presented them yesterday to the Migration Board Thurgau.

A thick envelope, presented the city of parliament Michael Wiler Sarbach yesterday an employee of the Department of Migration in Frauenfeld Thurgau. Many signature sheets with about 1,000 signatures for an extension of the permit of the Tibetan, Sonam Lama, were included. "This is all we can do for him," says Michael Sarbach. He called the collection of signatures to life after he learned that his friend, Switzerland at 30 must leave in June 2009. Within no time had the Internet over 300 Members of the newly formed Facebook group "Sonam Lama Appreciation Society" connected. And we were literally flooded with signatures. "

The woman took off

Sonam Lama arrived in late 2005 in Switzerland. Earlier, the Nepalese nationals living in the United States. There he met a Swiss woman, whom he married and because he moved to Switzerland. But now the two live together any more. In February, Sonam Lama's wife from their apartment Rickenbach moved out. And therefore the migration of Thurgau, an extension of the permit of Sonam Lama has rejected. In a letter to the Tibetans, the Office also writes of a lack of professional and social integration. The decision of the Migration Office can not understand Michael Sarbach. Sonam Lama is more integrated into social life, when many Swiss. Of this evidence, not least the many signatures, says Sarbach. Sonam Lama was open and outgoing and have to be a singer of the band Wiler "Cruel Noise" made a name. He regularly attend concerts in the region. Why they had come to know well, says Michael Sarbach, who helps as president of the Cultural Association of Sound Wiler sofa to hold concerts. Sonam Lama and professionally could be accused of anything. Since Sonam Lama, lives in Switzerland, he works for a parcel service company in Wil. "It's not that you people identifies which "integrates so active, says Sarbach.

I would lose everything, "

also Sonam Lama defends itself against the threat of expulsion from Switzerland. Against the decision of the Migration Office of the 32-year-old has lodged appeals. He was afraid to leave Switzerland, he says. "I would lose everything." In the U.S. he could not return, as is to be made was missing. In Nepal, he knew no one. His parents live in India. Sonam Lama still has not lost the hope for a positive outcome. The broad support from its environment encourages him. But profit is expected to petition anything. "Such actions are it again and again. But this is not a majority vote of the people. We consider the signatures therefore not, "says Stefan Felber by the Department of Justice and Security. The appeal's decision can be expected in later this year. "If this turns out negative, I'm pre federal court," the Lama Sonam is combative.

Source: Deborah Berwick, ThurgauerZeitung, 06/04/2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Racquel Darrian Breast Surgery

What bad experiences are good? What are they good for? So far I
moved despite my most depressed mind is always something good out of everything. And if only the knowledge that a certain type of person actually does not fit into my life.
only I had somehow imagined the whole Sun I am going through my ... Well do with life and all sorts of cheeses. Draw from my experience and at some point, when I encounter the situation again I draw from the experience and know that I am behaving. White, set in a 50-50 decision to count. I had imagined, and so far it has naja also to some extent, therefore, hinge cut at least moderate. Too Many situations have just not repeated. What is me but this time employed the thing that I find myself in a situation in which I, not too long before that point, ever was. I took my self to promise to learn from that situation. It was a hard, unpleasant and very painful time, something I had to take from the situation. And I've definitely my Experiences. Only ... I now feel with open eyes in the same situation to run. My problem is, there are signs of a repeat of the situation. But there remains a residual risk. When is my time where I jump off and bring me to safety, due to my experience should act so? And what if I jump too soon? Basically, I would say yes, in my own currency, it is perfectly indifferent, do what you first that comes to mind and learn from it just for next time ... what an irony.
I think the situation would be easier to handle if I did not know that the decision has been made in me long ago. If I did not know that this is just a desperate attempt by my mind here, cover up, that my gut feeling has already taken control. And that success regardless of the path is long drawn. I am happy. I'm afraid.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pianomusic Restaurant

If you turn on routine, can significantly change the world around you. That's what happened. On a birthday, the saying "no thanks, I drink now and in the near future no alcohol" to bring, I did not let me be without prejudice to the conversation, but that I spend a good hour to justify myself, I should not have been thought. And it gives me serious pause for thought. Better safe so was all just fun and something to Comments fell, gnihihi and we have all, everyone super amused at my expense. Bluuuub. However, let me ask
has the evening really, if I and my environment is so far / are. It may be unusual because it's the weekend, you are together in the "clique" and there is even a reason to deny someone of those present alcohol. Ok, so far as I follow too. Certainly I would have asked because of my astonishment: Why? But all of the following questions testified, one part of total intolerance and sometimes a frightening picture of the wrong drug, alcohol.
"What do you want? Jägermeister or tequila?"
"No, thank you drinking today and in the near Time nix "
" Why? "
" Because I do ne creatine treatment. "
" Why do you do that? "
" For a bit of weight, mass, volume, etc need to. "
" Why? "It
was a kind of order of the questions that showed me first ok something is not going well. Shortly thereafter, I realized I'm not wrong, I was against wrong. Not what I was doing was in need of justification, but what all did my friends. And this is the false picture of the drug alcohol. Had my right opposite the picture, so I would not have to justify myself for my non-use, notices on the edge of the conversation generally went far beyond the birthday, but YOU can for their consumption. The question did not have to read to me "Why do you drink alcohol?" but from me to them all "Why is drinking your Welch?" What do I do now but is the norm, or the world has turned so much that people should justify themselves if they do the right thing? Oblique.
Another topic that brought me a new acquaintance, is less so as to detach from me. The total addition to the lack of understanding as I can have a birthday party and without drinking, I had to put up with the frequent devaluations. Sounds harder than I mean. As I said, everything was so funny, and yes, I had nothing against it, but it gives me to think about what is behind it.
"You are full of the boring, that you drink nothing"
"Man, is with you even begin fasting nothing, so go with you no mood"
At two very succinct gist of the evening to take statements. Me, let me ask my environment really feels this way? How exactly? That being said, I understand it less serious condolences, as I implied when I'm drunk or drink alcohol, I'm great, tutti and everything and if not, then do not. But beyond that, it tells me something about these people in general, namely that its conclusion as soon as my comparison not drink, he is boring, listless, no party. After all, if they'd actually followed the evening would be noticed quickly that I had more fun than sober yesterday as most of the people drinking it. So there was no loss of my environment through my abstinence. Consequently, there were stereotypes. But where are the stereotypes? Is it to devalue someone in our minds so if he does not drink alcohol, that he now appears to us as uninteresting? Because as explained, the reality was this that I had my fun and more of it than the majority of those present. What basically refuted the thesis, but also shows that there is also embodied in my person that I am sober Sun makes bland. That was the reality. But the image of society ... hm, difficult. I believe in the generation between 15-25 Alcohol is underestimated. Hardly anyone in this generation would drink it seriously hold 4 weeks, no alcohol. And if he would not done it, nevertheless its fun on the one hand and take him to the other hand not his Partygefolge (yes the words party and "no alcohol in one sentence than non-contradiction). I think it's because alcohol too much is consumed habitually. It's the weekend, friends, party, next word 95% of young people, the word alcohol to mind would come bet. Perhaps because alternatives are missing. Not really. Real they are there, more than before, and the binge drinking is a problem of today. But in the mind of many people, there is apparently only possible on weekends to drink alcohol and then take action. Perhaps it has something to do with the decline of values. Many people my age have a Friends of the joint on the booze but no longer is based. Of course there is then plenty of boring at the weekend to take time just to hang out. Entirely free from alcohol because of what is one to talk to. It combines a rule common party experience and that's it. Someone with values, personal and character values that happens only with difficulty. You look for people do not then of whether they are drinkers or not, but maybe if they continue to bring a human or a human have to offer something. But hey, between 15-25 who is thinking about itself and its advancement as a human being. Hardly one. I think the rate of those that do is the same as the people who drink four weeks, yet nothing could have fun. Whether there's some corelation between? Hm .....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Headache And Swelling 38 Weeks Pregnant

impressive, which could resume as a simple events on the earth. You live your life, everything runs without obstacles - not that I would have lived differently. Then something happened, totally banal, everyday. And suddenly you're standing in the same World, you see everything again, but it's different. The same activities, the same people, the same procedure. Everything as always. Nevertheless, this event has changed somewhat. My view to the rear, behind in the past and I notice errors. The errors were obvious. must be things which do not have and take revenge now. But normally I would now be on the floor, devastated. But I think I'm in the further development of a step. What I've done brings me now. So I'm for it. It was my doing so it is now my bath from a mixture of self-worthlessness and disappointment that I must take. Well I is not, but I think it is - Unfortunately - to do so. Error can do, they should not repeat it. And we'll, it is now showing good to me, especially me, to show myself that I have learned and am willing to bring about change. I think time will tell how far I am in development or if I'm one step beyond the edge already.
I mean, how much chance it could be that I think of her and the sun begins to shine. Does not speak literally, word for word.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Heat And Electricity Bill Calgary

emotions and facts - a divergence

I think everyone for presentation in front of a partner has certain rights and the future or the future. This is probably normal. I can not explain why it should be, but that it will be good. It is also not the point of what I want. Rather, it is me first to the picture that you paint in his head - one of the other more specific spongy. From personal experience I've learned, it may well be important, and normal to have such a picture, but when push comes to shove, it is completely unnecessary. With the crunch mean when a man confronts you, and he knocks down up by his mere physical presence, then the feelings. Or feeling similar feelings. Then you may decline the image of a tanned blond athletes have on their mind, that of the one at the sight but missed (positive) goose bumps, brown and all his life still no tanning seen from the inside, let alone a gym. What is
I also want it to turn the dream of a partner with all its superficiality and character traits in the head and is very well give you but the reality may look completely. The principles at the wrong time is to be noted, I think. And the experience / success gives me rights.
But this is only one side of the medal, and only a possible divergence. The second I find far more disturbing. And leads to much more complex risks and problems. You have your image of a blonde female academic with a penchant for sarcasm and see them standing foot strut front of you. Then you meet them. She is blond. Studied. And more than two seasons combined sarcasm Dr. House. The problem? The theory is right, the conditions are present. But lacks the feeling. You see the woman "your dreams" before you want, but feeling nothing. Nothing that you would expect when you meet them. No tingling, no timid nervousness, no bashful Angrisen. Because the spark of theory and practice is not contagious. What actually is and what you feel about diverges. You know, as it stands because it is objectively seen a woman with whom you could share your life. It might even should. But you do not feel.
Or you can wander through the "last minute panic" just in case? To that effect are wrong inevitable that the emotions, for lack of the prerequisites? If it is desired, perhaps as much to meet the woman that they see in someone who is not at all and the feelings are trying to protect a?

a strange world. But I think if you listeners to yourself, you find there long ago the answer to every difficult question. You just have to let out. I think when one is confronted with a problem is within him, the decision also has fallen. What comes after the confrontation, is the slow response of the regurgitation. And some simply mistaken gag reflex have better control. But to the property at a big chunk to fail.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Masterbetion In Little

Fashionista styl0r oO \\ m /

I was asked last thing I think about fashion .... no, I was not, but that istn good start. I've actually been thinking about it that is. Having good € 2,000 ..'ve invested in gear and it almost turned my whole wardrobe did, no wonder How come, huh Well the source is sometimes an open question -. the source of my thoughts change, the impulse was to say the least painful Anyway, I'm saying, my wish me to change so that the need was to exchange my wardrobe, is that I've been thinking.
In women, this is already old hat. enter bright colors, provocative outfits and daily-changing hairstyles. The latter is not necessarily good. No matter. In men, the whole thing, I think slowly on the rise, and rightly so. Just before I experience still, too many people who still mourn behind the stale image of women 4 hours in the bathroom and need a man who does not even shower before leaving the house. Not good not at all good. I say yes, it's about a change. More and more men need to make relatively long in the bathroom, worrying about her outfit, what to wear, like the hair, all the women stuff. Now I can
people I come with slogans such as "women stuff etc ~" do not understand everything real. I mean, who has given to women for the privilege of fashion and style? It might have been like that, but you can not so Sturr oppose the time? Men also have the right and ask for my opinion in certain cases the obligation to her body on display. Yes, yes, it will deny any woman, but the neck, the uncomfortable tight jeans is not even half as much with "I feel comfortable with them" do as you say. I know this from experience. I think if you can afford it, as a man like a woman, one should stress his body and we'll, men, women do it first, a long time. I want to encourage anyone to carry out (what an irony). But I still see far too few men, who although they had the character to hide her body in many T-shirts, sweaters and jeans. Why? Do you think you are the only ones nervous woman with nice ass like staring at the same? Do you think women would not like to do the same for men? I think the convertible Also includes sexual privileges that are lost. Just such stories, baggy pants, seriously, who sees it from all right? Why not shorts, in which a woman can ne nachstarren sometimes? Clear distributed with 120kg aufn gauge 80 should not do that, but seis drum. Especially since a view of ner woman would give self-confidence and that would turn the situation by saying "Hey what guckst !. Would you want me so to avoid "
All in all, I think if one can show you what you have, the man and woman, both sides can win anyway;)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How Much Cost The Nw Victorinox Watch?

Well, as I sit now . I have to worry about me, my life, quite a lot actually.
I got one, well, somehow sobering thought. No, I think it makes sobering not, but ... hm, maybe it also requires no precise word. At some point came I run with the idea that I'm everything that happens around me at the moment and also what happened to me, would not. well I want the result of the way, but do not go their way. The thought was that I, Well, was simply that I have of my time adult life really can do everything and can do. With one exception, I just want to be consequences. If I do, I can do anything in the world. It seems to me even before himself, as if I was kidding me or talk to me something nice, but maybe it makes me just a little more comfortable now. And we'll, I wanted to do something that cause no relation. I do so only now do I transfer the consequences. The act is not easy, but a must, because I can not lead the relationship first and then make me quietly out of the dust. I think with every decision one connects implicitly somewhere possible consequences and risks, and takes this well either buy or just hopes not to its admission. As with a relationship. I'm a relationship. I do so in the knowledge that they can break. With the knowledge that the time for a relationship of more than depressing. I know and knew me and yet I entered into a relationship. There were risks, for which I thought I could wear them as appropriate when a situation arises where the cases. How do I get my turn to input ideas. I can do and what I want. I wanted the relationship that they had and now has to live with the consequences, I'm feeling shit, I'm thoughtful, too little or nothing in the registry, but ok. That is the risk that was set with the relation beginning and now realized (let me be the legal Expression forgive).
However, during the last few days makes me a moment, a thought or doubt strong. In every respect I was also always the risk that they will break. (Although I speak only from the negative side, I will not hide that the reason is to look beyond the risk that one usually has the time of his life) but after the last few days is compounded by a risk or consequence which did not look . Probably because I never really in the situation was to sit opposite my partner and to distinguish more or less with my decision out of the relationship to surprise. I have the situation behind me because I am of the opinion, even if I have the situation does not wish it was a consequence of my actions, entering into the relationship and for that I must stand up straight. Did I just this particular risk or consequence have now seen, first times can not be the problem my partner. That leaves only me.
But now I am wiser, I know it can happen in a relationship not just the moment when the relationship dissolves, but the moment where I it needs to resolve. And that's something where I currently am busy thinking really hard if I want to again enter into a relationship. Platt said, even the "safe disconnect" is one of them, but I do not want to. As a conclusion of my own logic, I can not relate more responsive, because I will not get into a situation in which I prepare even the relationship to an end. And I will not enter into relationships in the naive hope "I will not even make statements."
Where this consequence is not very well tolerated. Perhaps the moment only falls at some point in my head in intensity, but at least for now, he gives me goose bumps. That reminds me, and we'll, I guess, once again, I must be patient. Since my patience is indeed Sogut ..

Monday, March 30, 2009

Can Monies Be Split Once Probate As Been Granted

I think there is no connection between my emotional situation right now and my life. This confuses me even more. There
if any glaring discrepancies. My concern not just really good, this utter hopelessness in front of a spiritual eye and on the other hand .... hm. good question, what is actually on the other side. It was probably about time again feel that I suck, that I bathe in the self-pity and I'm just back at the bottom and if it is only for hours. Should remember that remember how good I have it up there? Maybe. If it works? No way.
What actually happened in my life and what happens in my head, varies enormously. I would almost say there is little between a relevant context. Certainly my life is now slightly less than ideal, but that's it, in the manner already a certain Time. Or was it just the drop of the barrel has to be related to overflow? I can not quite place it. You would think after the 100th time you learn from yourself I mean, maybe you are doing the same. Anyway, I do not. No matter how often I go through one and the same story, I do not learn from it. And I'm afraid that makes me the life to run after, or at least in my development. I do not go about it. At least not to me.
I bathe in the self-pity, say I think my situation, whatever, shit feel good about it and me, suck me to feel this is not self-pity? However, I have no anchor point. Neither a point from which the atmosphere the world, nor a point where all must lead. I mean, I had moments where I at least knew where my thoughts lead me, now I'm just confused. Perhaps it may be inferred from the confused lines. Whatsoever. Well .... I am tired to sleep, it must.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Healthy You Catchy Slogan

Sonam Lama must stay!

My friend and fellow musician Sonam Lama in 2005, several years after a long distance relationship - he lived in the U.S. - definitely his girlfriend to Switzerland come to Rickenbach bei Wil. They have previously married the same year. Fate has often meant not as good, Sonam Lama and his wife have separated, and this communicates honestly and to the outside. Had the couple deceived the authorities and the separation concealed only a few months, Sonam had soon the permanent residence permit. The immigration authorities of the canton of Thurgau has taken as a result of the missing months, the residence permit of Sonam Lama at 30 June 2009 to extend no more. The main reasons were "lack of social and professional integration" section.

These reasons are, out of thin air - Sonam Lama is working since he lives in Switzerland with a permanent position the DHL. Furthermore, its inclusion is absolutely exemplary. He has gained in recent years in Switzerland many friends and an active socially integrated. Among other things, he is lead singer of the band known Wiler "Cruel Noise".

want to have That's why we started a petition, which we achieve that the migration of the canton Thurgau this obvious wrong decision and reconsider the residence permit of Sonam extended. There

signature sheets are available here:


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is It Okay To Buy A Claddagh For A Friend

The difference between habit and love. Probably difficult, I think, at least. But
of early ... or at least not directly from the middle. Hum, after calming separation is one I think as a rule totally fucked up, sure. But concerns me why that is. I dig in my experience, box and even though I already hear people say "That's different", I can only return that is not there. The Relationship was different, the people, everyday life, basically everything that happened in the relationship, yes. But the pain I feel will be unbearable after each separation. On the merits, but I was not really taken as seriously as I thought or wished. Maybe somehow understandable, after the 100th meeting, and as an outsider. They gave me to understand, be it custom, and the passing of time. Hm, yes, I made the experience already. Also habit hurts in the beginning, it hurts to be overcome and again to break new ground. Yes, no question. But now something else. There was no time for practice. What I feel is not a habit in the everyday relationship, it is more widely more. I know and feel the difference between love and habit. I had habit, even that hurts, as I said, but it is "a different kind of pain". Habit subsides, fading and makes me look forward in spite of everything, though with tears in his eyes.
But the shit here is different. I feel the difference, faded nothing, nothing makes me look forward. On the contrary, over time I have the feeling I feel even more a part of her. It's just ... wow, yes, different. Only
'll, well I can draw from this knowledge at the moment no benefit. I am still here and have no idea where the front and back is where I start and where I stop should. Shit's spinnin in ma head !?!?!?!?!?! no idea where it came from. Joar, at least I'm really at a loss and also largely inactive. I am .... I .... probably confused.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Why Does Heat Cause Me To Have Sinus Infections

It's strange. The last entry is about 24 hours ago, but a lot has changed. I have not got Uni, know it will grieve for me, my best friend got back with my friends, no more doubts, well, suicidal thoughts are not yet, but you can not have it all. In any event, of all that has taken a turn for the better, one thing is unchanged. Well not quite the same is true, but it has worsened. My confusion.
I wear a fucking Fight in me, between emotion and reason. Both have their clear position, ratio considers it impossible to lead the relationship and they want emotion at all ... how do you say? at any price, exactly. Well, and even though I now know such things, such as the one for me grieves, and it really does, then that is indeed somewhere "nice" feeling, somehow not to be alone with what you feel, but on the other hand, makes that my point still shaky. In much of what I experience or what I think, I am ambivalent between mind and feelings. So far so good, 50-50 chance. Examplar: I lie in bed at night can not sleep, ask me what it is doing or thinking. I'm thinking about is the moment in my mind the theme to "let go". Mind says: "Do not think about it, because it is difficult to say you let go of feelings." Fuck it, it feels good to think of her, her being spiritually close, it alleviates the pain and whether it thus more difficult letting go is a shit. "Yes, take the right decision 50/50 chance, sounds so good. Hm, so who is right? Only also provides up to me at the same time, if I knew in advance who was right, what for me? I Will ? let go let go Is it right? So I have to clarify two issues and the really shitty situation for everyone. Whether it comes to grief goes, to the fact that there still hang their things which it has given me, or her smell in my sheets. I'm confused bullshit and no idea where to go, besides the fact that I was never in such a situation, I simply no point. I know of is to let go or I want, I would have a fixed point on the work I can, no matter what. But I'm so not even the only einfadch and confused and no idea, after all, begins a week time to the university until now I see perhaps more clearly ... whatever 'clear' means.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

руссе порно

Hm, to bring around the aufn point, my relationship is over. It was amazing 7 months and 11 days. The time was fine, we had ups and downs, yes. But overall I did not have time to miss.
However strange rumbling feeling in me. I'm used to in those moments when everything becomes too much to have directly ausm impromptu suicidal thoughts, strange white I feel not after. This is her doing. It was about at night by 2 clock in the middle of Plant City. I was asked if I was missing in life, a feeling that I had not experienced. Today, about 7 months later, I know what I lack. The feeling that one is mourning micht. To me as a person who has left the life of another. It is something that would strengthen, together with my counterpart, my faith in relationships - I think anyway.
It feels empty and meaningless. What exactly? Everything really. And it all comes together: relationship ended, semester we go, next to it still really really lost best friend, or friends from the other not treated, would have liked me as ego. No idea, I might have a different conception of friendship. I have few friends in my life, exactly 2, and I'm not sure. The rest are (volatile) Known. But that's ok so I could not act more friends in my life because friends mean to me that I am there for them if they need me. It is well known that I have abandoned my relationship on the one hand, on the other hand, 'm not very happy about it. I would argue, therefore, it is apparent that I needed to talk with someone at present I could. Every day, every minute, every hour. Then when I just need you. I have to but can expect from a friend? We are talking about exceptions, I do not want a constant readiness or in compliance if had bad shit, but maybe if my life before me swims. (Epic set, aye?) That being said, I offer just that my friends, so I'm happy about was that there were only 2 pieces.
But back to my original feeling. It makes me feel worthless. Within the relationship is all swell and Sun But when it comes to pieces, I feel like shit, not because of the lost relationship - that too - but even if I then feel like I'm the only one where it is shit. If I'm the one who has been abandoned, ok, even really an absurdity, because it allows me the feeling of another question to me and the relationship. But God, if I am the one who leaves, I am now here with the feeling that I'm the only one of the mourning period, the moments that relationship. A huge feeling of almost on a giant ball of shit. In general, I find the role very strange, I should be the one who is high on etc, and finally was all my decision. But she bounces through the history of the world and celebrates their lives, so wow, i can barely see how much you enjoyed our relationship, another Riee ~ sending. In combination, that I can not even look back and I can recall the feeling, that makes you feel good. But well, hey, then I take me halt ne time out, and I am first few days fürn sad ... ... aso, so tomorrow my semester goes on and I work alongside several times a week. Yes, I should call it a big thing? I believe this goes on ... a great thing.
Stupid White makes me quarrel with your best friend, so much questioning about myself, what does me any position currently in. .. no matter which subject. Wow, thinking about it makes me somehow not depressing. Hm, maybe depression is advance that you have a spark of hope for change. For me it would be more resignation, so that means giving up, pulling back to terms, with conditions. I mean, let's summarize (t) me
- relationship break
- best friend Sogut as away
- confused with other friends
- goes semester off in about 20 hours
- alongside work
- not a feeling that will mourn me
- not even suicidal thoughts

Yes, great. That sounds like a lot of fun. And .... well .... no idea, in view of what is before me, I really want to give up, somehow inside of me I do know that I "have done long ago. Posted within the meaning of "do not be depressed, it is so, will remain so, arrange up with it." Show impressive shit.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Multiplication Table All The Way To 30


Hm, I went yesterday sucks really hard. Ok, now I'm not even grade the offspring of a clown, but no matter. The day yesterday was just for the occasion today.
I naja probably a problem. I doubt in myself, to what I can do or will do. This is nothing new and also the following remarks are not new in the blog, or me in any event itself is the logical, not a very pleasant feeling, and somehow, like a reflex when I encounter such situations, rest my brain from my memories in order to identify similar situation and reconcile. I'm alone during their studies, or since the beginning of the course several times overwhelmed and simply felt too stupid. And we'll, somehow there was always a moment that has dispelled the doubts. Either that I had passed an exam but then, or a fellow student came to me and asks if we do something. Joar, something just happened forever. And that's also off the university or my self-doubt Sun I am convinced itself that I will go back in life anything bad. All was well so far. In the 8th Class remained seated, zack study law. At first rejected by the University of Mannheim, shortly before the semester starts but still a commitment. A girlfriend after 3 1 / 2 years lost, I bang someone great things at my side. And the examples go on and on. That's all well and good, but you mags I believe in any single time I've believed that it goes uphill again. Instead, every time I was on the verge of suicide risk (jap, pretty wimpy) and total down / depressed. And then came the redemption. This time I'm still in the phase "OMG everything shit" but somehow my brain has learned a step further. It skips already in the depressive phase approach because everything sucks so so and so, I come straight to the point where I virtually at redemption wait. This in turn makes me Kacklaune. Respectively. makes me doubt. Because, yes, in itself, it was always good, no question, but I've always emotionally ruined, only to find salvation (that sounds more Christian than my ego). Now I'm afraid that I know the invisible man, who supervised my life (a crappy idea, right?) Makes a spanner in the works, because I was not at all down properly and was therefore not worthy of encouragement.
Boarh sounds like it on my own level, like I was a paranoid schizophrenic and approach Freak? Well, maybe even help me the thought "Just do what you can do, do your utmost the rest is not in your hand "

M Jak Milosc Odcinek 810 Online

Big train station culture of the young lions

renovated buildings, expanded program, the new management team and new name: Gare de Lion Wil - the former coach house - is but one remained: a cultural attraction for the whole region.

David Doerflinger

With nearly a hundred million passengers heard the "Gare de Lyon" in Paris to the major train stations in Europe. Since September, there are a Wil Gare de Lion, a reference to the Paris train station, with a slightly different spelling. Hectic station atmosphere is stressed with travelers, loudspeaker announcements and TGV trains are not here. The former concert and party scene, "coach house" with his motley program invites you to linger. "It is a place of encounter and exchange" refers Program Director Michael Sarbach. As Matthias Loeper, Co-President of the "Gare de Lion," he is a member of the Association Cultural Wil, who leads the restaurant since the reopening. Together with about 30 volunteers last summer, they have renovated the building, the elongated grain silo Wiler and with a growing slightly enlarged.

Consistent name change to shed
times were often known bands from all over to Wil. This made the concert-goers at Kulturschuppen far beyond the borders of the old abbey town beyond. New restaurant is now called the "Gare de Lion." Fear the operator is not the recognition of their cultural center? Matthias Loeper negative, at least, Wil and the environment, the new name had long been enforced. Nationally, the name change but would have to be a problem, admits the 26 year old co-president. However, the former name Remise was primarily punk and hip-hop circles have been a household name. The program in the Gare de Lion will also be much-mixed.

There are new addition to concerts and parties and cabaret, from Comedy to see theater, readings, and listen. Especially at such occasions were recently increased in addition to teenagers and young adults also found more than 40 years. "With the rebuilding and renovation of the coach house and a completely new operating program was simply a name change only logical," said Michael Sarbach. Still living Remise's founding fathers more in the new name. Gare de Lion is a reference to the first depot operators, the association "Culture Lion Wil." Meanwhile Sarbach and Loepfe with their club Cultural Wil the reins in his hand. After the last operators had abandoned their commitment in October 2007, they were ready in time for the adoption. The original idea to create the association, a cultural center on the armory site in Wil had, namely be buried because of objections from local residents.

20 hours passion
out since September, the club now Gare de Lion. All in all, they were satisfied with the course, accounted for Loeppky. Especially the opening they had many visitors and it is the parties, but also the book readings were well attended. A little "hefty" had it gone to the concerts. Financially, the club can not touch in the big picture: "We all work voluntarily," says Matthias Loeper, who has just completed his geography studies in Zurich and as a bassist for the rock band Flaky Pastry own musical activities. You could, for financial reasons no percentage to fill positions or pay wages.

average of 20 ("Free") hours per week he needed for office work and post the events, said Michael Sarbach. In addition, he has a patent holder has given each of the events on the ground. And even though his schedule is already crowded already sealed: In addition to his commitment to Gare de Lion of the 27-year old political science student at the University of Zurich, is lead singer and guitarist of the indie pop band Frantic and sits for the Green Party in the city parliament Wil.

A right to culture
Where he takes this motivation? "I am simply this city "incredibly important, answers Sarbach. Wil will namely extremely underestimated. A city with nearly 18 000 inhabitants and a catchment area of nearly one hundred thousand people have a right to an adequate cultural offerings, he says. Except Gare de Lion to play in the main living almost exclusively from Wil in the pickling of the city. Now we have again mixed with cultural events in the city. It will be interesting to make that big names in the future to Paris in Wil entertained. n

Source: St. Gallen Gazette, 01/23/2009