My friend and fellow musician Sonam Lama in 2005, several years after a long distance relationship - he lived in the U.S. - definitely his girlfriend to Switzerland come to Rickenbach bei Wil. They have previously married the same year. Fate has often meant not as good, Sonam Lama and his wife have separated, and this communicates honestly and to the outside. Had the couple deceived the authorities and the separation concealed only a few months, Sonam had soon the permanent residence permit. The immigration authorities of the canton of Thurgau has taken as a result of the missing months, the residence permit of Sonam Lama at 30 June 2009 to extend no more. The main reasons were "lack of social and professional integration" section.
These reasons are, out of thin air - Sonam Lama is working since he lives in Switzerland with a permanent position the DHL. Furthermore, its inclusion is absolutely exemplary. He has gained in recent years in Switzerland many friends and an active socially integrated. Among other things, he is lead singer of the band known Wiler "Cruel Noise".
want to have That's why we started a petition, which we achieve that the migration of the canton Thurgau this obvious wrong decision and reconsider the residence permit of Sonam extended. There
signature sheets are available here:
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