Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rosary Bead Ankle Tattoos

Apart from the fact that a construction law issue has no place in any case to simply nothing in the Swiss constitution, the following reasons for a clear NO to the Minaret Initiative:

- It Are not the Muslims who now raise a claim for the construction of new minarets. The promoters want to ban something that today every religious community in Switzerland has a legally regulated right. This is a selective and discriminatory restrictions on religious freedom.

- The initiative and the debate missed the intended target. Existing problems and conflicts, such as convicted foreigners, status of women, the relationship between Islam and the Swiss State law have nothing to do with a ban on minarets. If adopted the initiative dialogue and possible joint solutions would be more difficult.

- A minaret ban creates new problems rather than solve existing ones. The formation of problematic "parallel societies" would with the adoption of the initiative does not prevent but encouraged the opposite.

- A large majority of the Muslim population of Switzerland is well integrated and respected Swiss legislation. Minarets is equated with terrorism and extremism, dangerous and wrong. Who in Switzerland fails to comply with the federal constitution is liable to prosecution. This also applies to those who challenge the religion of the law.

- The "battle" against other cultures or religions, was and is never a solution, but caused further conflict. Only an objective discussion and both sides will for integration can improve the current situation. Then a fertile possible co-and tolerant co-existence of different opinions and religious orientations as a basis for a respectful coexistence in a modern state.

with a clear no, we can still be proud of in a modern, open-minded and tolerant Switzerland to live. In a state where the law every time, giving everyone the freedom to live his faith and is understood to what multiculturalism not as a threat but as a value.

Created with. Vote and says No!


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