Hi everyone,
now been 6 days now to Montreal here's a short statement on the status of the events.
Montreal is primarily one thing: pretty great!
know some of you I have already after 2 days in the hostel immediately found an apartment. Although the conditions for Montreal relatively expensive, however, has described test room in the basement. Geil! Tim - the Ami of all the stuff is - is a super guy and next week we have ne first house party, including the basement show here.
Otherwise, stay with us for 3 Canadians who are also all very nice and more or less crazy. Before the building was converted into the apartment, it was the way, a sauna club that we have fun features like a shower in the wall in the living room.
Although I had prepared myself to a grueling job search went well as everything surprisingly fast. Exactly one (1!) Resume It has taken Zack and I was already set at soner U.S. online mail order company for disabled customers chatting in their orders to help.
Well, that may indeed be something. Training starts next Thursday and hopefully my first real working day would be Monday in a week. It should not be too hard work and even if I have to get out early (7 clock is starting work), I am at least finish early in the evening and I can join in one of the many Livemusikpubs.
here is the massive and ever oh, this city is a mecca of concerts, pubs, record shops, art, snack facilities and plenty of mad people. I can definitely feel a Berlinvibe. There are ghettos and even Dorgenmafiakriege here .... so the full program. The city is not as clean and modern as Vancouver has for many small streets with cute old two-family houses and a climate that now the beginning of November already something of bitter cold that I most urgent set a very good winter parka needs. We go after all amazingly fast on-to 40C. Ui ui ui.
I have my room set up and it went so well repays it is now - after a visit to Ikea - (! And welcoming to me is so very important) much more comfortable than my collection. Nevertheless, not all completely screwed together and hung up so I'll wait to post photos of a few days!
That you do not quite come off without images here, but a snapshot of me eating at the Pancake:

Hammer, ne?
soon dear Inter net,
Ps There are two famous traditional Bagelbäkereien the 24 / 7 have opened and have ALWAYS incredibly fresh bagels. Warm Sesame Bagel bagels from Fairmont is probably the coolest what people can buy for 70 cents on the world. I now have several times at night 7 blocks back and taken back to me (despite inhuman temperatures!) Just run around with one of those bagel in hand back home. Madness!
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