Good morning ladies Madam,
it is 8:40 in the morning and I'm awake since 6:30. Who now thinks I know him but who is right. Same situation as 4 months ago: HI hostel in the morning sitting in the lobby and blog, no job, no home, Toni travel from the work group next to me.
But I'll start from scratch:
have on Monday a week ago (October 4) Josh and I hitchhike to us, then opened to the north. The conditions were possible way: only a little rain, a large piece of cardboard, a lot of motivation and the prospect for the first stage grade travel times, a distance of 70 KM need to.
After we took the bus to North Vancouver have stated then the thumbs up. What a strange happens at the beginning, as a natural all drivers staring at you as if Father Christmas will quickly become routine and beaten after three hours was actually even a car - it should be by far our longest waiting time. Type: 50-year-old, bald Classic Rock fan Oddly type, but those are the people who just take one. Throughout the trip was not a single "expensive" car. Nothing surprising but very interesting ...
In Squamish, we have then, thanks to CouchSurfing 3 nights spent on the couch of ner group vercheckter climbers. The host Scotty was a great guy ... one probably a bit too spiritual, but we had a some good discussions. The others were
typical small-town boys who were climbing all crazy about. The Buttz and the garden were dirty and cat Miss Miauenstein very sweet - but hey, 3 nights for which we have paid a cent.
Squamish is a fairly unknown nest between Vancouver and Whistler. has more of a drive through the city but the "Chief", North America's second largest rock climbing wall as a landmark
are precisely those we then climb but from the other side Südstrand!. We were rewarded by a great at Weather really mad View:
After the third night it was on to Whistler and you would see our faces are perplexed, as we have after just 20 minutes' drive of a 30-year wife drove us directly increased our hostel. Sorry, we did not Couchsurfing found accommodation, so we had to spend 2 nights in a less great Hostel. At least we had the room on the first night on our own before we then enjoyed the second night, a blatant snoring with his Japanese father Anwesehenheit. What is wrong with the airways of people sleeping in hostels?
Whistler himself did not really convince me to. The Amsterdam Café was a very nice pub with good music otherwise seemed the whole city but somehow very, very touristy and fake to be. It looked like a model railway winter city - everything is artificial and not older than 50 years.
On day two we were a little walk along the river, which is quite cool - was not long, however, compare with the Chief. As the hiking season is over, actually, all the hiking trails and deserted for fear of bears we talked all the time ...
After night 2 we had to describe signs, smileys and paint your thumb to stretch from Whistler to come to Kamloops. The
happened in many station. First out of the WhistlerCreek suburb where our hostel was and to catch out behind the place to actually ALL cars.
From there, a Canadian-Chilean pair of Pemberton, which is about 30 minutes behind Whistler.
In Pemberton, we were then taken again after a short waiting period of a sullen look and glassigem Altkanadier with rickety jeep. Generally, he was not very talkative, but he was a fan of the Vietnam War and has shot past Bears. Soso.
He has given us then discontinued in Lillooet. A place for me very much reminiscent of a modern Wild West town. Tiny (allegedly 2,800 people but it looked more like 400)! The cool thing is that the whole area in a semi-desert area is situated, which means it almost looks like in Nevada or something. Yeah, somewhere in nowhere in the desert with an insane amount to a heavy backpack. With just that it was called then again quite a bit out of "Downtown" and the Highway 99, including abbreviations where we slide down any dusty hills had at least a few 100 meters to run less (I do not want to know how much weight the whole shit I always rumschleppe with me!). Very authentic.
Anyway, at the 99 times every 5 minutes, then drove past a car and we hired an afternoon of waiting and had given up hope to make it more than a maximum of Cache Creek. But again: not even once after 30 minutes, a pickup stopped for us and finally we could even throw our bags into the back casually. But unfortunately we had to sit forward.
The guy who was 65 year-old man held NEN type: very talkative but extremely uneducated Opi, which is great never out of his village of 3,000 residents came out. He had worked all his life in irgendnem mill, and knew not that Canada is the second major country in the world and as we who told him he seemed really surprised very much. He had such a strong Canadian accent that even Josh had problems understanding him.
I think he has it in his life has not even made it to Vancouver - after all, he had a good heart and one probably would we be without him today in Lilooet. While we drove through this desert-like landscape, ran continuously big country hits like "Big Big Love," "Annie's Song" or "Looking for Love".
arrived in Cache Creek, we are already a fact of having to take the bus to Kamloops, where we had for the night, even a bed in prospect, however, played this time the luck and we sat for a few minutes another car from such a young duos. The two spoke very quietly and were otherwise a bit boring but at least it was finally good music in the car and we were pretty tired from the long journey. Interesting as it may also be able to hitch hike - it's definitely not the most relaxing way to travel.
arrived in Kamloops, we treated ourselves to a sumptuous dinner in front of the Safeway supermarket with tons of Wendy's and Tim Hortons stuff and then two bus tours and a short drive later, finally arrived at our new house to be. The place was set up super-fat and really a total contrast to the first couch surfing accommodation. Everything was clean and pure luxury - And the cat was probably the biggest cats being I've ever seen. A monster of a game but very very cute!
Sara gave us a little bit then went out of town and we tried it on a worst possible place with the hitch-hiking again. A guy took pity on us and took a piece of the Highway up to Salmon Creek or something. And once again we were very lucky considering after a short time an Indian with a huge car for us and revealed to us he was going to Calgary ... well, including in Banff over! YES. The next five-hour drive was so backed up.
And the ride was awesome. (The photos are unfortunately all written out of the car window, but you can still get an idea).
As our nice but not very English-speaking friend, take the exit to Banff missed we decided to continue on a short hand for the night a city, where we least 6 Couch surfing requests (and not just 2 as in Banff ) were sent to people from Canmore.
half but unfortunately nothing and all we had to spend the night in the hostel. On Tuesday morning we hitchhiked back to Banff and then what can I say: a sweet little town, touristy, but not as fake and model railway Urban as Whistler. Once in the hostel Recomm we are offering a special 14 days in which to his room and get cheaper still but little fuss as free copies on top of it. So I cut down my decision within 1 minute: my next home is Banff! Indeed, the good to know finally where I want to stay down or off. should
My Jobhuffnungen were then also a little higher than I heard the place the next day, the last major Skijobmesse and also next to the hostel.
Since we are all dealt with very spontaneous and unplanned, it was then only the problem that I've lessen my no date given and are thus at random at 7 on the mat where needed. After you told us so that before 10 clock I used the time to start this massive blog. Meanwhile, it is the day after that and I'm the (small) disappointment to have coped despite getting seven hours of waiting, no more interview. Since I had just used me to take care of drum. Worth a shot though!
Then it's just the normal way again for a job that fits already. A first résumé I've made today in a colorful candy store of great things as Legosteinbömmsken added. Yeah! My interview was then out a few numbers to add up in my head. Well, the rake head is about the only out of it I was okay in math ever!
Tomorrow morning I will then sometimes excessively embark on a quest -> press my thumb, is crowded, namely only as of other Germans and Australians are all in search of work.
Today is bright sunshine, deer run through the city and it smells like winter. I like it here.
Ps 952 km
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