... and thus begins my third week in Canada. And what a: a few hours and I'm on my way to my first real working day.
It is also about time and I'm really looking forward to demolish the same a few hours. It is always interesting, as I then yes perhaps even know how much I really and if I am employed full time or part time. Two not entirely irrelevant factors, which are the main reason that I am in search of a second job or do not have to.
is equal so it again "in a cup or in a corner?" and "That'll be 3.75, sir." Running!
yesterday Aline and I again for the time being our last (?) Enjoyed free day and were on the Greek Festival at Kitsilano Beach.
In order to save the 2.50 for the bus, we are destined hour later now and then run back again. Of course, in the chic and comfortable not in the shoes! Were we on the way back dropped almost the legs, so we were on the way there still good things, as you can see here:
From First days in Canada 2 |
ago Once our place is first and foremost have noticed one thing. Many people!
From First days in Canada 2 |
Sunday festival stop. Well: Eyes (or perhaps better directed to the backpack with camera and wallet) and through!
eyes has some benefit after the first few meters, because otherwise we would have missed the second-most fun of the day:
From First days in Canada 2 |
yet a few street artists and Greek dancers been watching, eating a delicious souvlaki and out of nowhere appears my day's highlight:
From First days in Canada 2 |
then told such grueling way back, however: each course is slimming!
have to act contrary to the order we have saved our Busgeld rather then investing in a dozen Tim Horton's Donuts. Sugary!
From First days in Canada 2 |
So then came the day yesterday to a close.
Anyway ... I'm the mood for fruit, but there is something now only inhabited by guys in our flat course not. As I have probably the same again to the small fruit Asians! (Hihi)
way, I stuck at the planning in the fall for a few weeks to Brazil to fly. Although this is probably the plan to fly to Hawaii in the winter on it right now I want umbedingt to Brazil. As soon as I'm here for 3 weeks already I throw my first plans to the winds. Let's do that!
In this sense:
xoxo, Carsten
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