Monday, June 28, 2010

Names Of Cultural Fest In Colleges

It is time again Monday

... and thus begins my third week in Canada. And what a: a few hours and I'm on my way to my first real working day.
It is also about time and I'm really looking forward to demolish the same a few hours. It is always interesting, as I then yes perhaps even know how much I really and if I am employed full time or part time. Two not entirely irrelevant factors, which are the main reason that I am in search of a second job or do not have to.
is equal so it again "in a cup or in a corner?" and "That'll be 3.75, sir." Running!

yesterday Aline and I again for the time being our last (?) Enjoyed free day and were on the Greek Festival at Kitsilano Beach.
In order to save the 2.50 for the bus, we are destined hour later now and then run back again. Of course, in the chic and comfortable not in the shoes! Were we on the way back dropped almost the legs, so we were on the way there still good things, as you can see here:
From First days in Canada 2

ago Once our place is first and foremost have noticed one thing. Many people!
From First days in Canada 2

Sunday festival stop. Well: Eyes (or perhaps better directed to the backpack with camera and wallet) and through!
eyes has some benefit after the first few meters, because otherwise we would have missed the second-most fun of the day:
From First days in Canada 2

yet a few street artists and Greek dancers been watching, eating a delicious souvlaki and out of nowhere appears my day's highlight:
From First days in Canada 2

then told such grueling way back, however: each course is slimming!
have to act contrary to the order we have saved our Busgeld rather then investing in a dozen Tim Horton's Donuts. Sugary!
From First days in Canada 2

So then came the day yesterday to a close.

Anyway ... I'm the mood for fruit, but there is something now only inhabited by guys in our flat course not. As I have probably the same again to the small fruit Asians! (Hihi)

way, I stuck at the planning in the fall for a few weeks to Brazil to fly. Although this is probably the plan to fly to Hawaii in the winter on it right now I want umbedingt to Brazil. As soon as I'm here for 3 weeks already I throw my first plans to the winds. Let's do that!

In this sense:

xoxo, Carsten

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Change Computer Sid Takes Long

Business man on money.

I got the job! Party!

Friday, June 4, 2010

What Colour Of Bed Goes With White Furniture

rejection surveillance video poker

WIL. Wiler The city council has not occurred on the report and request the City Council to improve safety in public spaces through video surveillance. A rejection of the request of the Greens Prowil and the SP took a majority.

The occurrence of one-hour debate was launched by Michael Sarbach (Green Prowil). He explained that the effectiveness of video surveillance in public space is contested. There are no studies on whether increasing again in video-controlled areas of safety. He criticized the report and request the City Council, the "very, very careless" be prepared. "It seems to me not going to be here as a serious inquiries have been made," says Sarbach. Security also lies to his heart, but the report would be mentioned alternative variants.

He criticized that video cameras for the City Council represented the only solution, and would not mention that the requested credit "clever" of 610 000 francs was aufgegleist than one million. An amount below one million Swiss francs is not subject to optional referendum. A referendum on the proposed video surveillance would thus not be forced.

These costs for the proposed 17 cameras are just the beginning, follow the "huge costs" of additional camera locations that are defined in this project as an optional locations, nor would. Sarbach missing, however, that the need of video surveillance zones are not connected with crime statistics.

rejected the request
Sarbach presented on behalf of the Greens Prowil and SP a rejected application and the associated order: "It's the Parliament was to show what form crime date at which locations in Wil a problem (weighted by severity, danger to life and limb, property damage including loss amount) and what concrete measures and means this could be resolved.

video surveillance can be justified in cases quite as proposed measure, if the desired objectives can not be reached with an equally appropriate, but are more lenient measure. The measures must be relatively effective and increase the safety in public space. "Dario Sulzer (SP) saw the City Council a" missed intense debate "about security. The submission was incomplete and did not understand the need for the camera locations. "The SP does say yes to a video monitor, but not so," said Sulzer.

revise new template
Noger Eva (Green Prowil) made it clear that not a rejection, the subject of video surveillance is from the table, but offer the chance to make better investigations, more effective where security is necessary. Erwin Schweizer (CVP) announced let that large majority of his group would vote for advocacy.

The presentation covers measures such as safer routes in the city, preventive action against crime and a higher chance for evidence in crimes. CVP also appreciate the cost / benefits would be tolerable. But it was from the CVP with Reto Gehrig and Christoph Hürsch also voices that it considered appropriate to reject the proposal and to revise again. Not because one is against safety, but because the reference is not yet mature.

Klaus Rüdiger (SVP) mentioned that it was hard to tell what effect the planned cameras achieve exactly would. The People's Party supported the submission but large majority.

FDP urges action

Markus Hilbert (FDP) stood with his group behind the report and clear the request of the City Council. It was announced action to be Hilber. Did was not a lot watching variant. "Security and order are still the cornerstone of society," said Hilbert.

video surveillance in many cities would find the breakthrough and APPLY proven an effective tool against violence and vandalism. Green and SP would play down the problem. They saw the problem but mainly the fact that a "serious document" was necessary, as it formulated Sulzer. After more than

one hour debate, advocacy Mario Schmitt (SVP), seeking leave no further comments anymore, since repeated it.

His application was approved. Councillor Andreas Widmer (FDP), explained to the conclusion that video surveillance are widely accepted in the population. In banks, shopping centers or parking garages if they were already commonplace. He also mentioned that the privacy provisions were complied with the proposed video surveillance in this project. The request was rejected

I accepted with 21 votes to 10 with three abstentions, and thus gave the City Council of the City Council commissioned the preparation of the submission of concrete.

Wiler Zeitung, 04.06.2010, Silvan miles
Link to article:, art256, 1555302