commitment rewarded!
in Parliament from 40 people just two persons under the age of 30 years. No miracles, most issues from the standpoint older men and women discussed - even though they often affect just the younger generations. On the list 10 20 run very active and motivated young people from Wil, who are engaged as volunteers for years for our city. Including the following associations and committees: Club Culture Wil (Gare de Lion), Association rockamweier Wil, nature group Salix, Forum Urban Development, Culture Club sound sofa Wil - Association to promote music-makers of the region Wil, interm - Culture in the armory, Working Group on Ageing, music school commission Commission on Integration and Real Estate Commission, Works Committee, naturalization Commission, Young Guard, Blue Band, Scouts and YMCA.
Those who list 10 "Young Green and cultural friends selects allows the younger generations, who actively participate in politics by Wil. Thank you very much!
Michael Sarbach, City of parliament, young Wil Green
Lindenstr. 7
9500 Wil
Monday, September 22, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Will Bio Spotkill Scabies
Guido Wick and Barbara Gysi in the City Council
Guido Wick polarized. Guido Wick is annoying. Guido Wick always knows everything better. These prejudices I had in mind when I was elected to the City Council Wiler - well, not least by the partial one-sided reporting of Wil media landscape. The four years of intensive cooperation in the group but I was wrong. I saw Guido Wick has remained a highly competent, open and also humorous person. The fact that our group is not always all all have the same opinion goes, is pretty self But even in the most heated discussions stops Guido Wick and appears willing to compromise. This candidate meets all the requirements in my opinion, what is needed for an excellent city council. I will
28 September Select Guido Wick and Barbara Gysi in the City Council, because my experience has clearly demonstrated that these two people represent the interests of the younger generation on the best and most lasting!
Michael Young Parliamentarians Sarbach
City Greens, list 10
Linde Strasse 7
9500 Wil
Guido Wick polarized. Guido Wick is annoying. Guido Wick always knows everything better. These prejudices I had in mind when I was elected to the City Council Wiler - well, not least by the partial one-sided reporting of Wil media landscape. The four years of intensive cooperation in the group but I was wrong. I saw Guido Wick has remained a highly competent, open and also humorous person. The fact that our group is not always all all have the same opinion goes, is pretty self But even in the most heated discussions stops Guido Wick and appears willing to compromise. This candidate meets all the requirements in my opinion, what is needed for an excellent city council. I will
28 September Select Guido Wick and Barbara Gysi in the City Council, because my experience has clearly demonstrated that these two people represent the interests of the younger generation on the best and most lasting!
Michael Young Parliamentarians Sarbach
City Greens, list 10
Linde Strasse 7
9500 Wil
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Namtai Eye Toy Driver
Initiative Grünaustrasse "of the FDP - a nerve!
Wiler The voters chose not too long ago in a referendum against the Grünaustrasse. The fact that the FDP project that will now bring a crowbar tactics again before the people is against the population but cheeky, but a legitimate political action.
this topic but just abusing At the moment, as a cheap campaign stunt, is not only a large part of Grünaustrasse supporters upset (the opponents anyway). With this approach, the FDP implies it all big urban development project in a most critical final phase - rather than constructively with all other parties to participate in the project before it the first time in Parliament comes. Such a procedure may be tolerated by the electorate in any case!
Michael Sarbach
city parliament, Young Greens / Green prowil
Linde Strasse 7
9500 Wil
Wiler The voters chose not too long ago in a referendum against the Grünaustrasse. The fact that the FDP project that will now bring a crowbar tactics again before the people is against the population but cheeky, but a legitimate political action.
this topic but just abusing At the moment, as a cheap campaign stunt, is not only a large part of Grünaustrasse supporters upset (the opponents anyway). With this approach, the FDP implies it all big urban development project in a most critical final phase - rather than constructively with all other parties to participate in the project before it the first time in Parliament comes. Such a procedure may be tolerated by the electorate in any case!
Michael Sarbach
city parliament, Young Greens / Green prowil
Linde Strasse 7
9500 Wil
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Powell Lacrosse Store
The Presidents of the Greens prowil and the Young Greens, Kurt Stocker and Michael Sarbach place, party and faction goals dar. According to them must be Wil to develop family-friendly city of Canton.
What do your party and its parliamentary faction reached in the coming to an end office? What is it worth mentioning?
Kurt Stocker / Michael Sarbach: The Greens is prowil of four grew to six people (4 prowil and 2 young) and has thus gained in influence. Esther Spina has passed Parliament in 2007 as President of the Parliament efficient and very personable. Guido Wick continues as president of major construction, environmental and transportation Commission to ensure that operations of this Commission with the necessary care to be treated. We committed ourselves to the culture and a child-friendly and Wil are in the City Council met with open ears. We have succeeded in bringing about improvements in road transport for people with mobility difficulties and the TBW-building solution in Minergie Eco-Standard. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the city thanks to our intervention in the country Neualtwil 1.1 million Franken could sell more expensive than the council originally wanted to sell it. Further advances affected the receipt of direct inter-city and the lack of a sale of land from the Green Zone to a former employee of the city.
What goals has your choice party?
Stocker / Sarbach, we will strive with the linked lists and green prowil Young Green & culture friends an extra seat in parliament. The 40 candidates show that our policy is broadly based. At the school board, we are committed to ensuring that, in addition to our existing school board is elected Daniel Schönenberger, the new candidate, Christa Sommerer. An important objective is the choice of Guido Wick in the City Council. With his many years of parliamentary activity and its 13 years of professional consulting experience in the field of operational efficiency, he is responsible to contribute to an improvement in the activities of the City Council.
What have general party and group goals for the next four years?
Stocker / Sarbach: Wil needs to live and work more attractive and are becoming the most family-friendly city of Canton. The safety of bicycle and pedestrian connections and the bus supply must be improved. If more people are traveling on foot, by bicycle or bus, be congestion on the roads mined during peak periods. Funding for the Sports Park Bergholz may have to be secured with a phased liberalization and the surrounding communities should be encouraged to co-financing. be introduced against the proliferation of cellular antennas must supply planning in the building regulations. The old town squares and urban green areas should be upgraded. The Young Greens will be used particularly for a comprehensive concept of culture in the light of alternative culture and private leisure facilities. The city is to ensure that already have adequate studios and rehearsal rooms.
What urban development projects are for you center stage? What connect one party and group in particular?
Stocker / Sarbach: The developed city development plan shows the key strategic project on urban integration of the main roads "on approaches with which the streets in the city to be upgraded and this danger, noise and traffic jams can be reduced. From the urban development concept must first be addressed with cost-benefit considerations those projects, which with little cost much. Encouraging are the measures proposed in the urban development concept in the fields of environment and energy, nature and recreation. It is important to us that the concept is implemented and not just schubladisiert is. In school development, we are committed to ensuring that the existing wide range of high schools will be expanded further. The needs of young people and parents need to be taken seriously.
How is your party to the merger with the community Bronschhofen?
Stocker / Sarbach: For a merger, we are open. It would certainly have been better if the merger had been treated before construction of the upper school and community center in Bronschhofen. The two cities have in territorial planning, transport, financial policy and education policy find a consensus.
Interview: Richard Ammann
Wiler Zeitung, 1.9. '08, Richard Ammann
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Saa 7130 Mercury Tuner Card Driver
children-friendly city "children are our future"
Motion "child-friendly community" significantly explained
The Motion said on Thursday substantially responsible "child-friendly community" the City Council to conduct thorough research now.
Michael Sarbach (Green prowil) claimed on Thursday in City Council, the Motion, "child-friendly community" to explain much, and reached its goal with the large majority of parliamentarians. "Children are our future, and this also applies to the city of Wil," Sarbach begins with his application. He urged the City Council to take the necessary steps to ensure the city to be distinguished Wil as "child-friendly community" by the UNICEF. "Also this label is well positioned to pursue investment promotion," said Michael Sarbach. This opinion was also the SP Group. The children are the weakest link in our society, so we see the initiative worthwhile, "said Doris Scheiblin on behalf of the SP.
Outstanding issues
The SVP however, there were still some outstanding issues which must which is first clarified: "We believe share that Wil is already a child-friendly community, but there are several points you should take a closer look," says Klaus Rüdiger (SVP). For example, should to the article "Freedom of expression and information" once again look at. Therefore recommended the SVP, to explain the motion is not relevant. With these words could not convince the Greens Klaus Rüdiger Guido Wick. "I hope that we will be child-friendly town in eastern Switzerland. This label is an incentive for our city, to do more for our future, "said Guido Wick.
15 000 francs for the label
For Norbert Hodel (FDP), the label sounded very sympathetic, but he wanted to know some information on the financial. "The label is 15 000 francs. However, we agree right now not vote on the costs. Also getting the review of the competent departments can help us to become an even more child-friendly city, or whether in Wil ever action is necessary ", Michael Sarbach was safe. Finally, the word went to the Vice President of the General Assembly, Dario Sulzer (SP), on freedom of expression, which Klaus Rüdiger put in question, "Why should not children have a say if it is, for example, the design of a playground ' And so the motion was declared by the majority of Parliament to be substantial. (Sig.)
Wiler Zeitung, 30.8.
Motion "child-friendly community" significantly explained
The Motion said on Thursday substantially responsible "child-friendly community" the City Council to conduct thorough research now.
Michael Sarbach (Green prowil) claimed on Thursday in City Council, the Motion, "child-friendly community" to explain much, and reached its goal with the large majority of parliamentarians. "Children are our future, and this also applies to the city of Wil," Sarbach begins with his application. He urged the City Council to take the necessary steps to ensure the city to be distinguished Wil as "child-friendly community" by the UNICEF. "Also this label is well positioned to pursue investment promotion," said Michael Sarbach. This opinion was also the SP Group. The children are the weakest link in our society, so we see the initiative worthwhile, "said Doris Scheiblin on behalf of the SP.
Outstanding issues
The SVP however, there were still some outstanding issues which must which is first clarified: "We believe share that Wil is already a child-friendly community, but there are several points you should take a closer look," says Klaus Rüdiger (SVP). For example, should to the article "Freedom of expression and information" once again look at. Therefore recommended the SVP, to explain the motion is not relevant. With these words could not convince the Greens Klaus Rüdiger Guido Wick. "I hope that we will be child-friendly town in eastern Switzerland. This label is an incentive for our city, to do more for our future, "said Guido Wick.
15 000 francs for the label
For Norbert Hodel (FDP), the label sounded very sympathetic, but he wanted to know some information on the financial. "The label is 15 000 francs. However, we agree right now not vote on the costs. Also getting the review of the competent departments can help us to become an even more child-friendly city, or whether in Wil ever action is necessary ", Michael Sarbach was safe. Finally, the word went to the Vice President of the General Assembly, Dario Sulzer (SP), on freedom of expression, which Klaus Rüdiger put in question, "Why should not children have a say if it is, for example, the design of a playground ' And so the motion was declared by the majority of Parliament to be substantial. (Sig.)
Wiler Zeitung, 30.8.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Funbrain Planetary Pinball Free Play
electricity price when new territorial council
Parliament approved the meaningful because of market liberalization Delegation of powers to the executive
The electricity market opening brings new energy pricing structures. Required the submission of the Delegation of competence for the current pricing to the City Council was approved by Parliament.
The new beginning of October to come into force requires federal legislation for the power supply, as reported, a number of technical, accounting and withholding technical measures at the local level. The electricity price consists of three new components together on the electricity bills very soon, the cost of network use for the specific amount of energy as well as taxes (including the city) is treated separately. This is to achieve greater transparency and ensured be that the cost of network operations can be captured responsible party. This forces the technical operations Wil (TBW) to introduce new tariff and billing structures. The recent tariff categories are replaced with price labels. Amongst others is the unit price for households and small businesses is called (yet collective H) now, "tbwstrom.standard." The new product also "tbwstrom.ultra" is introduced for industrial bulk order of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year (so far fare F). know, these large customers are the first to benefit from the ongoing electricity market liberalization. As early as 1 January 2009, she can choose their electricity supplier. The complete Market access for households followed only five years later.
flexibility required
In view of the electricity market liberalization and its impact, the City Council requested the Parliament to change the TBW and the energy supply Regulations. In view of market liberalization, it was essential to transfer the decision-making authority for the electricity prices to the executive. In the new market realities flexibility and often very rapid action is necessary - some of the energy market is one minutes business has become. Also were striving to TBW, to keep in relation to the liberalization courted corporate customers. This target set competitive prices advance. Parliament to Decide to wait and remain no more time. Next put the City Council to the Parliament a price sheet with effect from 1 Day of October, the restructured electricity prices for their approval.
Constant current price
In the parliamentary debate was Reto Gehrig (CVP) announced that the commission work, both the new energy prices, and the transfer pricing authority to the City Council majority welcome. Not only is the electricity market requires rapid decision-making today, with the new federal law is the scope for pricing at the local level, particularly for the, on average, once a month, meeting Parliament, to a barely significant falling Minimum shrink. Councillor Andreas Widmer, head of the Department Committee on care and safety, the Commission added the comment with the statement that had been successful in Wil, what other cities have not made manifest. The system change did not lead to electricity price increases. are only a small, insignificant impact it by federal authorities given new, higher-level system of services.
No SP group
The Delegation of powers to the City Council might not agree with the Social Democrats. Named their group justified Silvia Ammann Schläpfer (SP), the negative attitude. yes Liberalized is merely the market for Large customers (which, however, represents more than 50 percent of sales), for 99 percent of the other current users (households, businesses, etc.) so everything remains the same. The spokeswoman for the SP group also criticized the fact that the new billing structure, the cost per kilowatt hour now you can no longer be at first glance. This effort would be needed in order to ensure sufficient clarity.
Michael Sarbach prowil graduated from the Green Party is the No to the delegation of powers and provided a more sophisticated application. He made popular the Parliament, the City Council the authority only for the price deregulated areas, so for now only to provide for large customers. Only two years ago, the Delegation of the Parliament had been rightly rejected, and now have, with the exception of market opening for customers of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year, changed nothing essential.
"No dairy"
against the refusal of the Delegation of Switzerland said Erwin called the CVP, and Norbert Hodel for the FDP. The latter warned that the TBW, the einbrächten the city much money, confidence and the necessary room for maneuver earned. It may well change within two years, the opinion and learn more. Hodel also warned of too much political interference charges which is nothing more than hidden taxes had to recover. "The TBW are no dairy cow, milk the one and you could even say what it has to eat," stated the FDP parliamentarian.
But yes to the delegation
The vote on the agenda item on this electricity led to a "yes" unanimously to the new electricity prices. The consent to full transfer of sovereignty to the City Council price fell from just under. The application Sarbach was rejected by 17 votes to 16, middle of the Greens and the SP, the request of the City Council on this controversial issue was approved by 18 votes to 15. Again, no doubt it was the subordination of the Parliament's decision Delegation of powers relating to an optional referendum. For this sub-agenda item, there was a unanimous yes.
Wiler Zeitung, 29.8. '08, Richard Ammann
Parliament approved the meaningful because of market liberalization Delegation of powers to the executive
The electricity market opening brings new energy pricing structures. Required the submission of the Delegation of competence for the current pricing to the City Council was approved by Parliament.
The new beginning of October to come into force requires federal legislation for the power supply, as reported, a number of technical, accounting and withholding technical measures at the local level. The electricity price consists of three new components together on the electricity bills very soon, the cost of network use for the specific amount of energy as well as taxes (including the city) is treated separately. This is to achieve greater transparency and ensured be that the cost of network operations can be captured responsible party. This forces the technical operations Wil (TBW) to introduce new tariff and billing structures. The recent tariff categories are replaced with price labels. Amongst others is the unit price for households and small businesses is called (yet collective H) now, "tbwstrom.standard." The new product also "tbwstrom.ultra" is introduced for industrial bulk order of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year (so far fare F). know, these large customers are the first to benefit from the ongoing electricity market liberalization. As early as 1 January 2009, she can choose their electricity supplier. The complete Market access for households followed only five years later.
flexibility required
In view of the electricity market liberalization and its impact, the City Council requested the Parliament to change the TBW and the energy supply Regulations. In view of market liberalization, it was essential to transfer the decision-making authority for the electricity prices to the executive. In the new market realities flexibility and often very rapid action is necessary - some of the energy market is one minutes business has become. Also were striving to TBW, to keep in relation to the liberalization courted corporate customers. This target set competitive prices advance. Parliament to Decide to wait and remain no more time. Next put the City Council to the Parliament a price sheet with effect from 1 Day of October, the restructured electricity prices for their approval.
Constant current price
In the parliamentary debate was Reto Gehrig (CVP) announced that the commission work, both the new energy prices, and the transfer pricing authority to the City Council majority welcome. Not only is the electricity market requires rapid decision-making today, with the new federal law is the scope for pricing at the local level, particularly for the, on average, once a month, meeting Parliament, to a barely significant falling Minimum shrink. Councillor Andreas Widmer, head of the Department Committee on care and safety, the Commission added the comment with the statement that had been successful in Wil, what other cities have not made manifest. The system change did not lead to electricity price increases. are only a small, insignificant impact it by federal authorities given new, higher-level system of services.
No SP group
The Delegation of powers to the City Council might not agree with the Social Democrats. Named their group justified Silvia Ammann Schläpfer (SP), the negative attitude. yes Liberalized is merely the market for Large customers (which, however, represents more than 50 percent of sales), for 99 percent of the other current users (households, businesses, etc.) so everything remains the same. The spokeswoman for the SP group also criticized the fact that the new billing structure, the cost per kilowatt hour now you can no longer be at first glance. This effort would be needed in order to ensure sufficient clarity.
Michael Sarbach prowil graduated from the Green Party is the No to the delegation of powers and provided a more sophisticated application. He made popular the Parliament, the City Council the authority only for the price deregulated areas, so for now only to provide for large customers. Only two years ago, the Delegation of the Parliament had been rightly rejected, and now have, with the exception of market opening for customers of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year, changed nothing essential.
"No dairy"
against the refusal of the Delegation of Switzerland said Erwin called the CVP, and Norbert Hodel for the FDP. The latter warned that the TBW, the einbrächten the city much money, confidence and the necessary room for maneuver earned. It may well change within two years, the opinion and learn more. Hodel also warned of too much political interference charges which is nothing more than hidden taxes had to recover. "The TBW are no dairy cow, milk the one and you could even say what it has to eat," stated the FDP parliamentarian.
But yes to the delegation
The vote on the agenda item on this electricity led to a "yes" unanimously to the new electricity prices. The consent to full transfer of sovereignty to the City Council price fell from just under. The application Sarbach was rejected by 17 votes to 16, middle of the Greens and the SP, the request of the City Council on this controversial issue was approved by 18 votes to 15. Again, no doubt it was the subordination of the Parliament's decision Delegation of powers relating to an optional referendum. For this sub-agenda item, there was a unanimous yes.
Wiler Zeitung, 29.8. '08, Richard Ammann
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Playing Hd Through Vga
An additional seat as a choice destination
The lists and election statements of the Green Party and the Young Greens prowil
In a media briefing prowil have presented the Greens and the boys open their lists for the parliamentary elections. Further, the choice agenda, and some choice statements were announced.
The last of the parliamentary parties in the city on Monday evening, the Greens prowil and presented the boys open their lists. Many new things did not look out of it, the candidates have been quite official last week in a Publication of the City of Wil been announced. Of particular interest were the choice of targets and predictions for the coming legislative period, which were formulated by the party president Kurt Stocker.
Bergholz etappieren
According to him, seeking the Green Party prowil and with the Young Greens and cultural friends their associated lists an additional seat in the city parliament, which they would then reach the same level as now, the SP and the FDP. To work towards this goal, the Green Party different choice statements on current political issues have made. This includes being prepared exploiting dividend template for the renovation and expansion of the sports field Bergholz. It is recognized that the facilities are in poor condition, the renovation will cost the city in the future but financially strong. The Greens are prowil principle behind a renewal, and an indoor swimming pool is an advantage for Wil. Ensure that the project does not fail because of the high costs, the party advocated a gradual approach, with the renovation of existing facilities must be made immediately. In addition, the Greens prowil regret that the old town is becoming increasingly less attractive. The courts, led President Stocker to mediated for years a bleak impression.
The redesign of the courtyard of the church square and must finally be addressed be. Other topics of the election statements are the catalog Sichermachung of bicycle traffic (with the co-initiated cycle initiative) and the support of the already developed speed-30 concept. The station area and the alley is, this is a further testimony of the Green prowil election, perceived as unsafe at night. The transformation and revitalization of the avenue was forward. It also advocates a greater presence of security staff.
candidates for parliament
prowil The Greens have tabled for the city election a list of 18 names. It is run: Guido Wick, executive consultant, Esther Spina, school inspector / secondary teacher, Luc Department, Economist HWV, Eva Noger, primary school teacher / school principal (all current), and Urs Berger Pecora, typographic designer, Monika Grob, speech therapist, Peter Ensign, social worker, Susan Jung, biomedical analyst, Ulrich Gysel, college lecturer, Doris Rüegg Malgaroli, nurse DN2, Bruno Resegatti, computer, Kathrin Schmid-school remedial teacher, Werner Scherrer, interior designer, cook, Ursi Schmucki, Medical Office Assistant, Andreas Weber, IT, Christa Sommerer, teacher, Bernadette Strebel, remedial teacher, and Dominique Schweizer, MD (new all ). The list of the Young Greens by the two incumbent members, Michael Sarbach, student, and Laura Berger, Social worker stated. Next new candidates: Sandra Rüegg, student, Sebastian Koller, Student, Robin Bannister, Kaufmann, Matthias Löpfe, student, Claudia Büchel, dipl. Ing planners FH, Ambra Berger, a student, Manuel Dahinden, dipl. Environmental Natw. ETH, Vanessa host, bookseller, Andrea Kern, media scientist, Christian Gübeli, biology lab, Meret Noger, student, Gabriel Dahinden, electronics engineer / project manager, Rachel Schmid, a student, Benjamin Heutschi, market drivers, Linda Semm, a student, Jana Barbey, student, Arjen Visser, Student, and Tobias Winick, a student. All candidates on both lists are shown cumulatively.
the fight to the vacant City Council seat the Greens support its member Guido Wick, that is, as already described in detail, ported by a bipartisan committee. For the school board candidate Daniel Schönberger (yet), and Christa Sommerer (new). She is a teacher of home economics, textile work and work and seminar teacher and adult educator.
Wiler Zeitung, 13.8. '08, Richard Ammann
The lists and election statements of the Green Party and the Young Greens prowil
In a media briefing prowil have presented the Greens and the boys open their lists for the parliamentary elections. Further, the choice agenda, and some choice statements were announced.
The last of the parliamentary parties in the city on Monday evening, the Greens prowil and presented the boys open their lists. Many new things did not look out of it, the candidates have been quite official last week in a Publication of the City of Wil been announced. Of particular interest were the choice of targets and predictions for the coming legislative period, which were formulated by the party president Kurt Stocker.
Bergholz etappieren
According to him, seeking the Green Party prowil and with the Young Greens and cultural friends their associated lists an additional seat in the city parliament, which they would then reach the same level as now, the SP and the FDP. To work towards this goal, the Green Party different choice statements on current political issues have made. This includes being prepared exploiting dividend template for the renovation and expansion of the sports field Bergholz. It is recognized that the facilities are in poor condition, the renovation will cost the city in the future but financially strong. The Greens are prowil principle behind a renewal, and an indoor swimming pool is an advantage for Wil. Ensure that the project does not fail because of the high costs, the party advocated a gradual approach, with the renovation of existing facilities must be made immediately. In addition, the Greens prowil regret that the old town is becoming increasingly less attractive. The courts, led President Stocker to mediated for years a bleak impression.
The redesign of the courtyard of the church square and must finally be addressed be. Other topics of the election statements are the catalog Sichermachung of bicycle traffic (with the co-initiated cycle initiative) and the support of the already developed speed-30 concept. The station area and the alley is, this is a further testimony of the Green prowil election, perceived as unsafe at night. The transformation and revitalization of the avenue was forward. It also advocates a greater presence of security staff.
candidates for parliament
prowil The Greens have tabled for the city election a list of 18 names. It is run: Guido Wick, executive consultant, Esther Spina, school inspector / secondary teacher, Luc Department, Economist HWV, Eva Noger, primary school teacher / school principal (all current), and Urs Berger Pecora, typographic designer, Monika Grob, speech therapist, Peter Ensign, social worker, Susan Jung, biomedical analyst, Ulrich Gysel, college lecturer, Doris Rüegg Malgaroli, nurse DN2, Bruno Resegatti, computer, Kathrin Schmid-school remedial teacher, Werner Scherrer, interior designer, cook, Ursi Schmucki, Medical Office Assistant, Andreas Weber, IT, Christa Sommerer, teacher, Bernadette Strebel, remedial teacher, and Dominique Schweizer, MD (new all ). The list of the Young Greens by the two incumbent members, Michael Sarbach, student, and Laura Berger, Social worker stated. Next new candidates: Sandra Rüegg, student, Sebastian Koller, Student, Robin Bannister, Kaufmann, Matthias Löpfe, student, Claudia Büchel, dipl. Ing planners FH, Ambra Berger, a student, Manuel Dahinden, dipl. Environmental Natw. ETH, Vanessa host, bookseller, Andrea Kern, media scientist, Christian Gübeli, biology lab, Meret Noger, student, Gabriel Dahinden, electronics engineer / project manager, Rachel Schmid, a student, Benjamin Heutschi, market drivers, Linda Semm, a student, Jana Barbey, student, Arjen Visser, Student, and Tobias Winick, a student. All candidates on both lists are shown cumulatively.
the fight to the vacant City Council seat the Greens support its member Guido Wick, that is, as already described in detail, ported by a bipartisan committee. For the school board candidate Daniel Schönberger (yet), and Christa Sommerer (new). She is a teacher of home economics, textile work and work and seminar teacher and adult educator.
Wiler Zeitung, 13.8. '08, Richard Ammann
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Been Exercising, How Long Before I See Results
Köbi Mettler attack on the cultural Gare de Lion
City Council candidate Jacob Mettler of the SVP recently submitted an interpellation on "smoking ban in all public buildings in the city of Wil" and the Wiler newspaper has reported. In itself, the questions the right course. At second glance you can see behind the advance but a frontal attack on the new Cultural Centre Gare de Lion, which is full of half truths. In addition to the non-compliance with a smoking ban is also assumed that in the Gare de Lion is smoke weed - what to look for in this question has nothing and not also in future be the case. This allows the interpellators of the basic facts: The depot has been closed since February 2008. The re-opening in September brings a new name (Gare de Lion), a new ownership and, not least a new concept. Moreover, the chances are good that all pubs and clubs in the canton of St. Gallen from 1 October-smoking be. An exception would be basically possible anyway, because even in the city hall is smoked. In Jakob Mettler but loses nothing. The meaning and especially the date of the interpellation is more than questionable. Moreover, the assertion is simply wrong, the Gare de Lion was a youth center. Also in the past, large majority of adults were over 18 years in the events. The 16-year and 17 guests were always a clear minority, as they were ever authorized for access to specified events.
If the Gare de Lion at all a public building? Basically it is a private, nonprofit sponsors, which rented the building and serves the cultural and performance by the city. But quite apart from the facts prove it is my opinion, an insult that the new ownership is given no chance to, of course. The new operational concept will bring a new house rules with them. The interpellators has obviously not been informed about the situation and not even bothered to contact the Cultural Association Wil in advance. What is organizing a part of the SVP, led by Jacob Mettler with this interpellation is basically the following: the policy is for a trade libel in the highest mass campaign against Wiler restaurants, arts operation exploited - do this even before the opening, with the aim of self-promotion for the campaign. Köbi Mettler in the City Council? An emphatic NO!
Michael Sarbach, City Green Wil Young Parliamentarians
Linde Strasse 7, 9500 Wil
City Council candidate Jacob Mettler of the SVP recently submitted an interpellation on "smoking ban in all public buildings in the city of Wil" and the Wiler newspaper has reported. In itself, the questions the right course. At second glance you can see behind the advance but a frontal attack on the new Cultural Centre Gare de Lion, which is full of half truths. In addition to the non-compliance with a smoking ban is also assumed that in the Gare de Lion is smoke weed - what to look for in this question has nothing and not also in future be the case. This allows the interpellators of the basic facts: The depot has been closed since February 2008. The re-opening in September brings a new name (Gare de Lion), a new ownership and, not least a new concept. Moreover, the chances are good that all pubs and clubs in the canton of St. Gallen from 1 October-smoking be. An exception would be basically possible anyway, because even in the city hall is smoked. In Jakob Mettler but loses nothing. The meaning and especially the date of the interpellation is more than questionable. Moreover, the assertion is simply wrong, the Gare de Lion was a youth center. Also in the past, large majority of adults were over 18 years in the events. The 16-year and 17 guests were always a clear minority, as they were ever authorized for access to specified events.
If the Gare de Lion at all a public building? Basically it is a private, nonprofit sponsors, which rented the building and serves the cultural and performance by the city. But quite apart from the facts prove it is my opinion, an insult that the new ownership is given no chance to, of course. The new operational concept will bring a new house rules with them. The interpellators has obviously not been informed about the situation and not even bothered to contact the Cultural Association Wil in advance. What is organizing a part of the SVP, led by Jacob Mettler with this interpellation is basically the following: the policy is for a trade libel in the highest mass campaign against Wiler restaurants, arts operation exploited - do this even before the opening, with the aim of self-promotion for the campaign. Köbi Mettler in the City Council? An emphatic NO!
Michael Sarbach, City Green Wil Young Parliamentarians
Linde Strasse 7, 9500 Wil
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Frequent Urination After Yeast Infection
Yes for video surveillance - police regulations of City Council approved
The city Wil has a new police regulations. Measures such as deportation of undesirable persons, and video surveillance of public space are now possible.
The City Council has approved by 22 votes to 10 against last Thursday, the police regulations of the city of Wil, with some amendments. All but one articles were accepted but did some controversial Provisions to controversy. During two hours, supporters and opponents battled for more or less regulated security. In the Tonhalle ruled two different opinions. Both the Greens and the SP were prowil for less working police regulations and then provided appropriate and rejected requests. (Prowil Green) For Michael Sarbach it was even difficult to understand that there must be a police regulation, and finally was settled everything important already at the cantonal and federal level.
In the original design it was about creating a police regulations for the city of Wil, raise the sense of security that the citizens will. It was, for example, measures such as deportation of undesirable persons, and video surveillance of public space. But the placarding on public and private land was disputed.
develop regulations
Dario Sulzer (SP) was sure that Wil had until now no police regulations, as the city is no need. It deceived the only security against the population, it gives no protection. This opinion was also Michael Sarbach (Green prowil). He added that he was actually for the safety and cleanliness in the city of Wil, but the rules must be developed in more detail in this regard. The Christian Democrats, the FDP and SVP welcomed the new regulations that will achieve, especially preventive effect. Mark Hilbert (FDP) was clearly against a police state, but the freedom to hear where it could harm them. He was clear that to fight with the police regulations, only the symptoms and not the cause. Next
still had the issue of financing of the cameras in public spaces. This is not an issue, "said Andreas Widmer, the City Council, as it the first time today to vote on the regulations and not later because of the costs. All the groups were of the opinion that you do not need any rules, if people would only look and act. However, this was difficult to implement, since the moral courage of individuals is low. Thus, the rejection of applications of the SP and the Greens were rejected prowil.
Almost all applications accepted
In the detailed advice several applications were made to individual articles. Rejected was a proposal that is punishable by unauthorized placarding only the person who hangs the poster in question, said the organizer of the event was not to prosecute but. A majority found that the amendment that the distribution of leaflets or programs, and recruiting services to or from ideological organizations to assume the increased public use is. A large majority of the House stadträtlichen followed the arguments, after which the product to expulsion of individuals or groups get important preventive effect. Subsequently rejected the request of Michael was Sarbach (Green prowil) to remove the signs article. Also a majority found the application of Mark Hilbert (FDP), which would have banned the consumption of alcohol on school grounds and the drinking of alcohol by young people under the age of 18 years on public property between midnight and 7 clock in the morning, the city council can approve exceptions . approved by the parliament, a proposal that littering, throwing away the impurity and leaving behind any kind of waste on public and private land, prohibited. The addition ordered to keep the dogs advisory commission was endorsed. It states that dogs must be kept so that they do not endanger yourself or others or harass.
5.7. '08, Wiler Zeitung, Simone Greuter
The city Wil has a new police regulations. Measures such as deportation of undesirable persons, and video surveillance of public space are now possible.
The City Council has approved by 22 votes to 10 against last Thursday, the police regulations of the city of Wil, with some amendments. All but one articles were accepted but did some controversial Provisions to controversy. During two hours, supporters and opponents battled for more or less regulated security. In the Tonhalle ruled two different opinions. Both the Greens and the SP were prowil for less working police regulations and then provided appropriate and rejected requests. (Prowil Green) For Michael Sarbach it was even difficult to understand that there must be a police regulation, and finally was settled everything important already at the cantonal and federal level.
In the original design it was about creating a police regulations for the city of Wil, raise the sense of security that the citizens will. It was, for example, measures such as deportation of undesirable persons, and video surveillance of public space. But the placarding on public and private land was disputed.
develop regulations
Dario Sulzer (SP) was sure that Wil had until now no police regulations, as the city is no need. It deceived the only security against the population, it gives no protection. This opinion was also Michael Sarbach (Green prowil). He added that he was actually for the safety and cleanliness in the city of Wil, but the rules must be developed in more detail in this regard. The Christian Democrats, the FDP and SVP welcomed the new regulations that will achieve, especially preventive effect. Mark Hilbert (FDP) was clearly against a police state, but the freedom to hear where it could harm them. He was clear that to fight with the police regulations, only the symptoms and not the cause. Next
still had the issue of financing of the cameras in public spaces. This is not an issue, "said Andreas Widmer, the City Council, as it the first time today to vote on the regulations and not later because of the costs. All the groups were of the opinion that you do not need any rules, if people would only look and act. However, this was difficult to implement, since the moral courage of individuals is low. Thus, the rejection of applications of the SP and the Greens were rejected prowil.
Almost all applications accepted
In the detailed advice several applications were made to individual articles. Rejected was a proposal that is punishable by unauthorized placarding only the person who hangs the poster in question, said the organizer of the event was not to prosecute but. A majority found that the amendment that the distribution of leaflets or programs, and recruiting services to or from ideological organizations to assume the increased public use is. A large majority of the House stadträtlichen followed the arguments, after which the product to expulsion of individuals or groups get important preventive effect. Subsequently rejected the request of Michael was Sarbach (Green prowil) to remove the signs article. Also a majority found the application of Mark Hilbert (FDP), which would have banned the consumption of alcohol on school grounds and the drinking of alcohol by young people under the age of 18 years on public property between midnight and 7 clock in the morning, the city council can approve exceptions . approved by the parliament, a proposal that littering, throwing away the impurity and leaving behind any kind of waste on public and private land, prohibited. The addition ordered to keep the dogs advisory commission was endorsed. It states that dogs must be kept so that they do not endanger yourself or others or harass.
5.7. '08, Wiler Zeitung, Simone Greuter
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Gay Daddy Against Son
Family friendly Wil? NO to new nuclear power plants
answer to the motion of Michael Sarbach
treated Wiler The City Council on Thursday a motion by Michael Sarbach about "child-friendly community."
Michael Sarbach (Green prowil) filed his motion, entitled "Child-Friendly Community" on 2 April 2008 with 17 co-signing one.
The Motionär urges the City Council mutatis mutandis, to take the necessary steps to have characterized the city as Wil "children-friendly community" by the UNICEF. In particular, he asks for feedback on the location determination based on the questionnaire of UNICEF and the consequent next steps. Wide range
The City Council on 5 June the advance answer. "The city Wil is a family friendly city and has a wide range of children and families" is to ensure the executive branch. For example, was established in 2007 with the daily structure of the schools an attractive Wiler-care services for school children. This year, the adoption of the child care plan on the political agenda. "In addition, measures for school safety and plan the implementation of the Spielplatzkonzpets. Similarly, some increase in the urban development concept proposed measures, the from Wil, "said the councilor. He will study the award of the UNICEF-label "child-friendly city" as a legislative goal for the next term of office 2009 to 2012. answer
Responsible Department
To Motion to have fully explained the City Council that: "The responsibility lies with the Department of Social Services, Youth and age. The pace and the strategy for obtaining the award depend on the results of the Evaluation of the questionnaire, the Unicef and the feedback from UNICEF to these results. "The motion was therefore next Thursday in Wiler city council to explain much.
Wiler Zeitung, 1.7. '08, Simone Greuter
answer to the motion of Michael Sarbach
treated Wiler The City Council on Thursday a motion by Michael Sarbach about "child-friendly community."
Michael Sarbach (Green prowil) filed his motion, entitled "Child-Friendly Community" on 2 April 2008 with 17 co-signing one.
The Motionär urges the City Council mutatis mutandis, to take the necessary steps to have characterized the city as Wil "children-friendly community" by the UNICEF. In particular, he asks for feedback on the location determination based on the questionnaire of UNICEF and the consequent next steps. Wide range
The City Council on 5 June the advance answer. "The city Wil is a family friendly city and has a wide range of children and families" is to ensure the executive branch. For example, was established in 2007 with the daily structure of the schools an attractive Wiler-care services for school children. This year, the adoption of the child care plan on the political agenda. "In addition, measures for school safety and plan the implementation of the Spielplatzkonzpets. Similarly, some increase in the urban development concept proposed measures, the
Responsible Department
To Motion to have fully explained the City Council that: "The responsibility lies with the Department of Social Services, Youth and age. The pace and the strategy for obtaining the award depend on the results of the Evaluation of the questionnaire, the Unicef and the feedback from UNICEF to these results. "The motion was therefore next Thursday in Wiler city council to explain much.
Wiler Zeitung, 1.7. '08, Simone Greuter
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tattoo Arm Bam Margera
Wil: Young Green on the urban development concept in 2008
The Wil Young Greens welcome the work on urban development concept in principle. Particularly positive in the process is that the people on the forums has the opportunity to contribute actively. Many important points for a healthy and sustainable development of our city have been rendered. Nevertheless, from We believe most issues fleshed out enough and complain about some points even.
In the sense of an integrated urban development concept, it is in the eyes of the Young Greens need to evaluate the full range CULTURE higher. Thus, in the report such as the shed / Gare de Lion has gone completely forgotten, although this is the cultural institution with the most visitors and the largest and widest range of events and culture. In our opinion, is there an urgent need to be corrected. Furthermore, additional buildings and especially all the areas / fields are clearly marked as a "cultural space". In these places to events such as as the open-air cinema can be made without having to perform every time a licensing procedure.
The Young Greens therefore welcome the plan for a comprehensive concept of culture. We miss concrete goals and measures to promote local artists and a broad cultural offer for all sectors of the population. The city of Wil must play an active role and keep the environment as attractive as possible. There are enough spaces for theater groups, musical artists or artists will be provided, and individual projects can be supported financially less bureaucratic and quicker. Culture means more and better quality of life!
Very pleasing from our point of view, the various measures and explanations in the fields of environment and energy, nature and recreation, housing and population and public space. Not satisfied with the transport sector. While there are also very positive indications, such as traffic calming measures, development of bicycle paths or increasing the safety of pedestrians. Almost an affront to the people, however, is the fact that the Grünaustrasse is through a back door back into the discussion, although rejected by the people. In addition, it makes no sense to pass right through the lead RVS future center of the city / regional center Wil. The boys miss the Open, in the transport forward-looking, innovative and above all new ideas. warm up large projects from the 80's again, is not just an urban development concept.
If the whole concept of urban development have not only the character of an individual concept, the other areas to be considered stronger. In particular, in terms of priority and the selection of key projects.
the view of the Young Greens in the years to be implemented in all probability not even half of that key projects. Instead of relying on outdated ideas and road traffic planning major projects - the financial and are politically difficult to implement and also bring any significant improvements to the traffic situation - will the available resources are used primarily for emergency measures and small projects of other sections. Here is a cost-benefit analysis of each project would be helpful. Especially in the fields of culture, nature and recreation, energy and environment, public space / upgrading of residential areas, and bicycle and pedestrian-friendliness, with relatively modest financial resources to achieve maximum quality of life in our city!
For further information:
Young Green Wil
Michael Sarbach, Linde Strasse 7, 9500 Wil
m.sarbach @

The Wil Young Greens welcome the work on urban development concept in principle. Particularly positive in the process is that the people on the forums has the opportunity to contribute actively. Many important points for a healthy and sustainable development of our city have been rendered. Nevertheless, from We believe most issues fleshed out enough and complain about some points even.
In the sense of an integrated urban development concept, it is in the eyes of the Young Greens need to evaluate the full range CULTURE higher. Thus, in the report such as the shed / Gare de Lion has gone completely forgotten, although this is the cultural institution with the most visitors and the largest and widest range of events and culture. In our opinion, is there an urgent need to be corrected. Furthermore, additional buildings and especially all the areas / fields are clearly marked as a "cultural space". In these places to events such as as the open-air cinema can be made without having to perform every time a licensing procedure.
The Young Greens therefore welcome the plan for a comprehensive concept of culture. We miss concrete goals and measures to promote local artists and a broad cultural offer for all sectors of the population. The city of Wil must play an active role and keep the environment as attractive as possible. There are enough spaces for theater groups, musical artists or artists will be provided, and individual projects can be supported financially less bureaucratic and quicker. Culture means more and better quality of life!
Very pleasing from our point of view, the various measures and explanations in the fields of environment and energy, nature and recreation, housing and population and public space. Not satisfied with the transport sector. While there are also very positive indications, such as traffic calming measures, development of bicycle paths or increasing the safety of pedestrians. Almost an affront to the people, however, is the fact that the Grünaustrasse is through a back door back into the discussion, although rejected by the people. In addition, it makes no sense to pass right through the lead RVS future center of the city / regional center Wil. The boys miss the Open, in the transport forward-looking, innovative and above all new ideas. warm up large projects from the 80's again, is not just an urban development concept.
If the whole concept of urban development have not only the character of an individual concept, the other areas to be considered stronger. In particular, in terms of priority and the selection of key projects.
the view of the Young Greens in the years to be implemented in all probability not even half of that key projects. Instead of relying on outdated ideas and road traffic planning major projects - the financial and are politically difficult to implement and also bring any significant improvements to the traffic situation - will the available resources are used primarily for emergency measures and small projects of other sections. Here is a cost-benefit analysis of each project would be helpful. Especially in the fields of culture, nature and recreation, energy and environment, public space / upgrading of residential areas, and bicycle and pedestrian-friendliness, with relatively modest financial resources to achieve maximum quality of life in our city!
For further information:
Young Green Wil
Michael Sarbach, Linde Strasse 7, 9500 Wil
m.sarbach @
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Transvestites Who Wear Ladies Underwear
interview on climate policy
an interview, which I have answered for a short apprenticeship work.
a. What climate change means for the Greens?
It is scheduled for a change! The aim of the Open is clearly reaching the energy model of the "2000 Watt Society".
b. How is this manifested?
with various national, cantonal and municipal efforts. One example is the Air Initiative:
The environmental committee of the National Council calls for reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 to 2020. This is not enough if we avoid the worst of human and environmental want. The Climate Initiative, which was launched in May 2007, calls for a reduction of 30%. This intention, which is quite realistic demands effective measures in the renewable energy and energy efficiency. Until November 2007, just over five months after its launch, already 120,000 signatures were collected. The Climate Initiative, which came in record time and it is the sign of the Bundesrat. It is officially on 29 February 2008 filed with the Federal Chancellery.
c. What is the significance climate policy for you personally?
The earth is the foundation of our existence. We must finally begin to take responsibility. Our current way of life means that future generations have to pay for our reckless behavior. Therefore, I am dedicated to measures by Switzerland to the goal - does bit by bit - the "2000-watt society". This a balancing act is needed because the economy is especially for the change to take place so that no massive handicaps.
d. keyword "Gruner perspective: efficiency and renewable energy." How the Greens want
increase energy efficiency?
mainly with energy-saving measures and the promotion of renewable energy. A good example is the energy initiative St. Gallen in the canton:
particularly in the field of building renovation, additional measures are required.
e. What do you think is useful?
Each measure should follow the cost - are valued principle. Most measures such as solar energy in buildings for hot water production, alternative heating systems, water and electricity saving measures pay off in the short term and very direct. F. Very
her one possibility is to work together that the different parties? Or is this completely unrealistic?
In the real policy is working very much with the other parties. Especially before the election surprise Civil especially Parties time and again with advances and commitment to climate protection. Unfortunately, they show themselves each after the elections less willing to cooperate. On the whole, but the shift in thinking has already begun and the other parties have recognized the problem at last.
g. What is the importance of renewable energies?
Renewable energies are the future! In this area need to focus our efforts. Switzerland is able to take back a leadership position in renewable energy.
More info:
h. It is said that the fossil energy sources are running low. there still is enough time available to re-think globally?
We have not in fact infinite time. Therefore, Green politics is more important than ever. Thus, the adaptation of our society, particularly the economy, can be done without massive losses, must be started immediately with the conversion.
i. What is your vision for the future of climate and energy policy?
The 2000-watt society ", an initiative of the ETH ( Their goal is a sustainable energy supply based on new technologies and approaches, and increased efficiencies in the conversion of primary to useful energy. This vision should reflect the real policy.
j. In Switzerland, there will be 2010, an energy shortage. How will / should this shortage be bridged?
Switzerland will convert either now active in alternative energy or suffer an energy crisis. The majority of politicians in this regard has been sleeping for years and even now torpedoed effective measures in the field of renewable energies. We must act now or we will actually have an energy shortage.
Concrete measures are in the "basic document Energy Policy 2050" related to the Green Party of Switzerland:
k. On your website you write that we are finally beginning to , sustainable to take responsibility for our lifestyle. How is this possible?
The climate is everybody! It is probably unnecessary to enumerate various energy saving measures that can meet any budget without having to restrict themselves to. It is important to be taken on a small scale, as well as in the large, measures. Also, I find it extremely important that the market share increased by so-called "Fair Trade" products. It supports the purchase of such products not only its own initiative in other countries, but also concrete energy efficiency and environmental conservation projects globally. In addition, the polluter pays principle should finally be introduced by means of an incentive taxes ecological tax reform. It aims to tax energy consumption and to reduce labor costs. Today, high costs burden the "labor". The energy tax to help finance the social security system. When energy is more expensive, is the result of nature, work, and it helps the Swiss economy to a lead in environmentally friendly technologies.
l. What they think are tools to achieve this goal?
ecological tax reform, promotion and development of renewable energy, CO2 taxes, prohibition of excessive damaging vehicles (eg off-roader, if not necessary., consistent and efficient Building renovations.
m. Do you think that the public schools could be indicative of a sustainable development?
The elementary schools have to include issues such as climate change, energy saving and consumption behavior reinforced. In many towns and cities whole project weeks held on such matters. These issues are fixed in the cantonal curricula. The trend is definitely in the right direction, but there is much potential for improvement!
n. Is there cause for concern? Or we may look to the future peace of mind in the hope that the policy presents viable solutions?
measures against global warming must be local, but are addressed globally. Switzerland is now lagging far behind in the European comparison, unfortunately, after it was counted in the 90 years to the most progressive countries. We must lead by example and commit ourselves to strengthen global treaties and agreements. On the whole I am very confident because now most of the other parties have also recognized the seriousness of the situation.
an interview, which I have answered for a short apprenticeship work.
a. What climate change means for the Greens?
It is scheduled for a change! The aim of the Open is clearly reaching the energy model of the "2000 Watt Society".
b. How is this manifested?
with various national, cantonal and municipal efforts. One example is the Air Initiative:
The environmental committee of the National Council calls for reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 to 2020. This is not enough if we avoid the worst of human and environmental want. The Climate Initiative, which was launched in May 2007, calls for a reduction of 30%. This intention, which is quite realistic demands effective measures in the renewable energy and energy efficiency. Until November 2007, just over five months after its launch, already 120,000 signatures were collected. The Climate Initiative, which came in record time and it is the sign of the Bundesrat. It is officially on 29 February 2008 filed with the Federal Chancellery.
c. What is the significance climate policy for you personally?
The earth is the foundation of our existence. We must finally begin to take responsibility. Our current way of life means that future generations have to pay for our reckless behavior. Therefore, I am dedicated to measures by Switzerland to the goal - does bit by bit - the "2000-watt society". This a balancing act is needed because the economy is especially for the change to take place so that no massive handicaps.
d. keyword "Gruner perspective: efficiency and renewable energy." How the Greens want
increase energy efficiency?
mainly with energy-saving measures and the promotion of renewable energy. A good example is the energy initiative St. Gallen in the canton:
particularly in the field of building renovation, additional measures are required.
e. What do you think is useful?
Each measure should follow the cost - are valued principle. Most measures such as solar energy in buildings for hot water production, alternative heating systems, water and electricity saving measures pay off in the short term and very direct. F. Very
her one possibility is to work together that the different parties? Or is this completely unrealistic?
In the real policy is working very much with the other parties. Especially before the election surprise Civil especially Parties time and again with advances and commitment to climate protection. Unfortunately, they show themselves each after the elections less willing to cooperate. On the whole, but the shift in thinking has already begun and the other parties have recognized the problem at last.
g. What is the importance of renewable energies?
Renewable energies are the future! In this area need to focus our efforts. Switzerland is able to take back a leadership position in renewable energy.
More info:
h. It is said that the fossil energy sources are running low. there still is enough time available to re-think globally?
We have not in fact infinite time. Therefore, Green politics is more important than ever. Thus, the adaptation of our society, particularly the economy, can be done without massive losses, must be started immediately with the conversion.
i. What is your vision for the future of climate and energy policy?
The 2000-watt society ", an initiative of the ETH ( Their goal is a sustainable energy supply based on new technologies and approaches, and increased efficiencies in the conversion of primary to useful energy. This vision should reflect the real policy.
j. In Switzerland, there will be 2010, an energy shortage. How will / should this shortage be bridged?
Switzerland will convert either now active in alternative energy or suffer an energy crisis. The majority of politicians in this regard has been sleeping for years and even now torpedoed effective measures in the field of renewable energies. We must act now or we will actually have an energy shortage.
Concrete measures are in the "basic document Energy Policy 2050" related to the Green Party of Switzerland:
k. On your website you write that we are finally beginning to , sustainable to take responsibility for our lifestyle. How is this possible?
The climate is everybody! It is probably unnecessary to enumerate various energy saving measures that can meet any budget without having to restrict themselves to. It is important to be taken on a small scale, as well as in the large, measures. Also, I find it extremely important that the market share increased by so-called "Fair Trade" products. It supports the purchase of such products not only its own initiative in other countries, but also concrete energy efficiency and environmental conservation projects globally. In addition, the polluter pays principle should finally be introduced by means of an incentive taxes ecological tax reform. It aims to tax energy consumption and to reduce labor costs. Today, high costs burden the "labor". The energy tax to help finance the social security system. When energy is more expensive, is the result of nature, work, and it helps the Swiss economy to a lead in environmentally friendly technologies.
l. What they think are tools to achieve this goal?
ecological tax reform, promotion and development of renewable energy, CO2 taxes, prohibition of excessive damaging vehicles (eg off-roader, if not necessary., consistent and efficient Building renovations.
m. Do you think that the public schools could be indicative of a sustainable development?
The elementary schools have to include issues such as climate change, energy saving and consumption behavior reinforced. In many towns and cities whole project weeks held on such matters. These issues are fixed in the cantonal curricula. The trend is definitely in the right direction, but there is much potential for improvement!
n. Is there cause for concern? Or we may look to the future peace of mind in the hope that the policy presents viable solutions?
measures against global warming must be local, but are addressed globally. Switzerland is now lagging far behind in the European comparison, unfortunately, after it was counted in the 90 years to the most progressive countries. We must lead by example and commit ourselves to strengthen global treaties and agreements. On the whole I am very confident because now most of the other parties have also recognized the seriousness of the situation.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
How To Write A Community Service Letters
WIPA (Wiler parking AG), and the Turks Kölliker
falls for some time in the station underpass Wil a large poster of the SVP with Councillor Stefan Kölliker candidate in more copies in the local kebab stand "Calypso" on. This is not as far as illegal, but I am surprised but pretty. Would like us Mr. Koelliker suggest that he is basically a friend of Turkish culture? Hardly. Is much more likely to believe that Mr. Koelliker his position as manager of the WIPA (Wiler parking AG), which is landlord of this place, could use them cleverly. Whether this is in the semi-public nature of the WIPA and whether such opportunistic behavior is a qualification to the government and is doubtful, in my opinion.
Michael Sarbach, City of parliament, young Wil Green
falls for some time in the station underpass Wil a large poster of the SVP with Councillor Stefan Kölliker candidate in more copies in the local kebab stand "Calypso" on. This is not as far as illegal, but I am surprised but pretty. Would like us Mr. Koelliker suggest that he is basically a friend of Turkish culture? Hardly. Is much more likely to believe that Mr. Koelliker his position as manager of the WIPA (Wiler parking AG), which is landlord of this place, could use them cleverly. Whether this is in the semi-public nature of the WIPA and whether such opportunistic behavior is a qualification to the government and is doubtful, in my opinion.
Michael Sarbach, City of parliament, young Wil Green
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Motion: Child Friendly Community
22nd March 2008
Motion Family friendly community
The City Council shall be responsible to Parliament for review and application the positioning of the UNICEF initiative "Child Friendly Community" and present to the label of the UNICEF "Child Friendly Community".
Background In April 2004, UNICEF Switzerland founded the Working Group on Child-Friendly Community ". With the assistance of experts that developed a questionnaire that allows interested communities to conduct a situation analysis of child-friendliness.
The results are analyzed by UNICEF Switzerland and presented at the request of the municipality in an interview. It is then free to decide the communities, whether they are for the award, "Child-friendly community wants to apply. "
The UNICEF initiative "Child Friendly Community" aims at the implementation of the CRC to support the local level. While children's rights through national and cantonal laws are concerned, which is responsible for implementing these goals but in most cases the individual communities - because the biggest impact of the projects to improve the lives of children can be found in their immediate environment. The initiative thus promotes targeted processes to improve child-friendliness, allowing Swiss communes for the first time to conduct a comprehensive positioning on this issue. In this process be seen under the following policy areas: education, family and school care services, health, leisure, housing / living environment, management, transport and child and youth protection. If that location determination is positive, the municipalities may apply for the label "child-friendly community." This award will benefit primarily the children and young people and increase the town Wil also a greater quality of life. The positive image of a "child-friendly community," thus contributes to the promotion of the entire residential and business location Wil.
Greens prowil
Michael Sarbach
22nd March 2008
Motion Family friendly community
The City Council shall be responsible to Parliament for review and application the positioning of the UNICEF initiative "Child Friendly Community" and present to the label of the UNICEF "Child Friendly Community".
Background In April 2004, UNICEF Switzerland founded the Working Group on Child-Friendly Community ". With the assistance of experts that developed a questionnaire that allows interested communities to conduct a situation analysis of child-friendliness.
The results are analyzed by UNICEF Switzerland and presented at the request of the municipality in an interview. It is then free to decide the communities, whether they are for the award, "Child-friendly community wants to apply. "
The UNICEF initiative "Child Friendly Community" aims at the implementation of the CRC to support the local level. While children's rights through national and cantonal laws are concerned, which is responsible for implementing these goals but in most cases the individual communities - because the biggest impact of the projects to improve the lives of children can be found in their immediate environment. The initiative thus promotes targeted processes to improve child-friendliness, allowing Swiss communes for the first time to conduct a comprehensive positioning on this issue. In this process be seen under the following policy areas: education, family and school care services, health, leisure, housing / living environment, management, transport and child and youth protection. If that location determination is positive, the municipalities may apply for the label "child-friendly community." This award will benefit primarily the children and young people and increase the town Wil also a greater quality of life. The positive image of a "child-friendly community," thus contributes to the promotion of the entire residential and business location Wil.
Greens prowil
Michael Sarbach
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Cover Letter Of Therapy Aide
Young Greens call out to the SVP Hosenlupf!
On 4 March, at 19.30 clock in the restaurant instead of in cross Montlingen SG a memorable event that could be a highlight of the campaign in St. Gallen. The four candidates Cantonal young Greens from the St. Gallen Rhine Valley: Ismael Albertin, Flavio Leuenberger, Ramon Hüppi and Marcel Hasler offer the largest party in Switzerland to a duel, not only in words but also in the sawdust.
The Young Greens and SVP have the hay is not on the same stage, but there are similarities. Both parties are not afraid of direct confrontation. Both have in common is that they are committed to the homeland. Both are also Important traditions. In addition, the boys open this kind of battle did so because the swing guaranteed as Ursport Switzerland a fair fight, in which the opponent is always treated with dignity and respect, virtues that are used in elections for time being too short.
Flavio Leuenberger proposes a bridge to the policy: "As the chair in the fight, we will fight with full commitment to the political sector stalls for better living conditions and the environment." Adds Ramon Hüppi: "We want to show that we are physically fit for the Cantonal Council. It is precisely with the reduction of the cantonal parliament, it is even more difficult for the boys a seat in St. Gallen to get hold of. "But we want to fight for every single vote and above all help to defend the only seat of the Rhine Valley Greens. In addition, the SVP has the most seats. I hope they will cede to us after the great battle at the ballot box one. "Ismael Albertin says, laughing. The SVP
takes this challenge to you and raises the political Hosenlupf. Peter Eggenberger, Marcel Dietsche and some still secret routes has also raised the SVP cantonal regional candidates for the combat.
The competition is open, depending on the sporting start with arguments the candidates cross swords. Explosive issues such as security, energy, education by different side illuminated. The political discussion is led by Hans Jürg Vorburger, well-known radio commentator. An exciting evening is guaranteed and one may wonder whether the SVP party Goliath by the young David Green can be captured in words or in the sawdust at the panel discussion.

On 4 March, at 19.30 clock in the restaurant instead of in cross Montlingen SG a memorable event that could be a highlight of the campaign in St. Gallen. The four candidates Cantonal young Greens from the St. Gallen Rhine Valley: Ismael Albertin, Flavio Leuenberger, Ramon Hüppi and Marcel Hasler offer the largest party in Switzerland to a duel, not only in words but also in the sawdust.
The Young Greens and SVP have the hay is not on the same stage, but there are similarities. Both parties are not afraid of direct confrontation. Both have in common is that they are committed to the homeland. Both are also Important traditions. In addition, the boys open this kind of battle did so because the swing guaranteed as Ursport Switzerland a fair fight, in which the opponent is always treated with dignity and respect, virtues that are used in elections for time being too short.
Flavio Leuenberger proposes a bridge to the policy: "As the chair in the fight, we will fight with full commitment to the political sector stalls for better living conditions and the environment." Adds Ramon Hüppi: "We want to show that we are physically fit for the Cantonal Council. It is precisely with the reduction of the cantonal parliament, it is even more difficult for the boys a seat in St. Gallen to get hold of. "But we want to fight for every single vote and above all help to defend the only seat of the Rhine Valley Greens. In addition, the SVP has the most seats. I hope they will cede to us after the great battle at the ballot box one. "Ismael Albertin says, laughing. The SVP
takes this challenge to you and raises the political Hosenlupf. Peter Eggenberger, Marcel Dietsche and some still secret routes has also raised the SVP cantonal regional candidates for the combat.
The competition is open, depending on the sporting start with arguments the candidates cross swords. Explosive issues such as security, energy, education by different side illuminated. The political discussion is led by Hans Jürg Vorburger, well-known radio commentator. An exciting evening is guaranteed and one may wonder whether the SVP party Goliath by the young David Green can be captured in words or in the sawdust at the panel discussion.
How Many Combinations Of 8 Cards Are There
Michael Sarbach select - LIST 9
If you have not elected in the constituency and Wil are living, I would ask you, this is still much to catch up! It definitely needs a fresh breeze in the cantonal and it needs young independent and committed people who are actively committed to Wil and the Canton of St. Gallen! Even more gray-haired armchair polemicists and glue from the left and right to bring us further. There are no solution-oriented, pragmatic politicians. Especially I would be happy about if you throw in either the LIST 9 "Young Green and cultural friends" (better, because we get 18 votes list!), and Michael would share Sarbach (09.01) to twice the list of your choice. At the cantonal elections four years we have lacked just 0.1% (= 7 all the lists). So every vote counts! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

If you have not elected in the constituency and Wil are living, I would ask you, this is still much to catch up! It definitely needs a fresh breeze in the cantonal and it needs young independent and committed people who are actively committed to Wil and the Canton of St. Gallen! Even more gray-haired armchair polemicists and glue from the left and right to bring us further. There are no solution-oriented, pragmatic politicians. Especially I would be happy about if you throw in either the LIST 9 "Young Green and cultural friends" (better, because we get 18 votes list!), and Michael would share Sarbach (09.01) to twice the list of your choice. At the cantonal elections four years we have lacked just 0.1% (= 7 all the lists). So every vote counts! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
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