Hey Kids, what is going on? It's 11:45 at night and I had in the past three days, damn lack of sleep - This is due to our camping trip to Tofino, but read them yourself - gotta keep blogging though:
all started Friday night when we (that's Lisa and I) have our impromptu camping luggage subway ride it to the meeting point Manon & Robins shipped apartment. Of course, Friday was the first warm day for a week and so the whole matter to a sweaty, but that came up at least a little festival feeling. As Manon Dym and then drove up to the Megavan came we loaded the car and then it was to the effect. Robin and Amelia have been picked up on the way to their respective work and we were on the last ferry of the day to get. Once there had We then an extremely long time and I was first purchased my new guitar (yes, I had for 2 months now but the urge to make music again) called "Octopussy" to use to entertain the masses (more or less).
Yes! It's pink! Crazy, right?
relaxed after almost 2 hours, including ferry transfers at night drinking beer under the stars at sea air on deck, we arrived in Nanaimo on Vancouver Iceland. Go go, go, now almost a Applefritter in 7-Eleven, then let it yet and at some point was Manon - our driver - tired and we decided the first night in the van to spend - it was now 2 clock at night and we wanted the next Leave early tomorrow so we decided against putting up the tent. It is also in the car also bears safe. After 3 hours of sleep, then everyone was awake and it went towards the campsite.
arrived in Tofino put out the our early awakening was in vain because the reception is open from 9 am until Campground clock. Horst for his camp which opens on a summer Saturday at 9? Well, the hour was spent at the beach or sleeping in the van as final. I of course I entschiedm for the former. In order to bridge
Anyway: tent set up and on the beach. Determined that parking costs $ 20 because it was the National Park located in Long Beach and just changed the beach. Madness! (See photos!)
play cards on the beach, dozens of fire all over, probably the most beautiful of my life including Sternenhimmmel of several shooting stars (I've seen in the night together probably more than before) and fall into bed tired. The next day we then located at a different beach in the park put up and what can I say? A beautiful beach than the other. (See photos).
We even saw a sea lion (though, unfortunately, was dead on the beach) ...
After a night like that was like the first we had to then at 6:30 after too little sleep out of warm sleeping bags and peel slip into the damp clothes in order to get the ferry on time at 12:15. A crazy weekend with the well- best people I know here so far allowed. Manon & Robin unfortunately draw next Sunday on the means we use all the time together so good to do it and actually do together every day was. Yesterday was celebrated in Robins birthday and I already know that will flow at the airport on Sunday probably tears. Anyway ... now after the photos of a great weekend (unfortunately not (yet) in order?):