children-friendly city "children are our future"
Motion "child-friendly community" significantly explained
The Motion said on Thursday substantially responsible "child-friendly community" the City Council to conduct thorough research now.
Michael Sarbach (Green prowil) claimed on Thursday in City Council, the Motion, "child-friendly community" to explain much, and reached its goal with the large majority of parliamentarians. "Children are our future, and this also applies to the city of Wil," Sarbach begins with his application. He urged the City Council to take the necessary steps to ensure the city to be distinguished Wil as "child-friendly community" by the UNICEF. "Also this label is well positioned to pursue investment promotion," said Michael Sarbach. This opinion was also the SP Group. The children are the weakest link in our society, so we see the initiative worthwhile, "said Doris Scheiblin on behalf of the SP.
Outstanding issues
The SVP however, there were still some outstanding issues which must which is first clarified: "We believe share that Wil is already a child-friendly community, but there are several points you should take a closer look," says Klaus Rüdiger (SVP). For example, should to the article "Freedom of expression and information" once again look at. Therefore recommended the SVP, to explain the motion is not relevant. With these words could not convince the Greens Klaus Rüdiger Guido Wick. "I hope that we will be child-friendly town in eastern Switzerland. This label is an incentive for our city, to do more for our future, "said Guido Wick.
15 000 francs for the label
For Norbert Hodel (FDP), the label sounded very sympathetic, but he wanted to know some information on the financial. "The label is 15 000 francs. However, we agree right now not vote on the costs. Also getting the review of the competent departments can help us to become an even more child-friendly city, or whether in Wil ever action is necessary ", Michael Sarbach was safe. Finally, the word went to the Vice President of the General Assembly, Dario Sulzer (SP), on freedom of expression, which Klaus Rüdiger put in question, "Why should not children have a say if it is, for example, the design of a playground ' And so the motion was declared by the majority of Parliament to be substantial. (Sig.)
Wiler Zeitung, 30.8.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
Funbrain Planetary Pinball Free Play
electricity price when new territorial council
Parliament approved the meaningful because of market liberalization Delegation of powers to the executive
The electricity market opening brings new energy pricing structures. Required the submission of the Delegation of competence for the current pricing to the City Council was approved by Parliament.
The new beginning of October to come into force requires federal legislation for the power supply, as reported, a number of technical, accounting and withholding technical measures at the local level. The electricity price consists of three new components together on the electricity bills very soon, the cost of network use for the specific amount of energy as well as taxes (including the city) is treated separately. This is to achieve greater transparency and ensured be that the cost of network operations can be captured responsible party. This forces the technical operations Wil (TBW) to introduce new tariff and billing structures. The recent tariff categories are replaced with price labels. Amongst others is the unit price for households and small businesses is called (yet collective H) now, "tbwstrom.standard." The new product also "tbwstrom.ultra" is introduced for industrial bulk order of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year (so far fare F). know, these large customers are the first to benefit from the ongoing electricity market liberalization. As early as 1 January 2009, she can choose their electricity supplier. The complete Market access for households followed only five years later.
flexibility required
In view of the electricity market liberalization and its impact, the City Council requested the Parliament to change the TBW and the energy supply Regulations. In view of market liberalization, it was essential to transfer the decision-making authority for the electricity prices to the executive. In the new market realities flexibility and often very rapid action is necessary - some of the energy market is one minutes business has become. Also were striving to TBW, to keep in relation to the liberalization courted corporate customers. This target set competitive prices advance. Parliament to Decide to wait and remain no more time. Next put the City Council to the Parliament a price sheet with effect from 1 Day of October, the restructured electricity prices for their approval.
Constant current price
In the parliamentary debate was Reto Gehrig (CVP) announced that the commission work, both the new energy prices, and the transfer pricing authority to the City Council majority welcome. Not only is the electricity market requires rapid decision-making today, with the new federal law is the scope for pricing at the local level, particularly for the, on average, once a month, meeting Parliament, to a barely significant falling Minimum shrink. Councillor Andreas Widmer, head of the Department Committee on care and safety, the Commission added the comment with the statement that had been successful in Wil, what other cities have not made manifest. The system change did not lead to electricity price increases. are only a small, insignificant impact it by federal authorities given new, higher-level system of services.
No SP group
The Delegation of powers to the City Council might not agree with the Social Democrats. Named their group justified Silvia Ammann Schläpfer (SP), the negative attitude. yes Liberalized is merely the market for Large customers (which, however, represents more than 50 percent of sales), for 99 percent of the other current users (households, businesses, etc.) so everything remains the same. The spokeswoman for the SP group also criticized the fact that the new billing structure, the cost per kilowatt hour now you can no longer be at first glance. This effort would be needed in order to ensure sufficient clarity.
Michael Sarbach prowil graduated from the Green Party is the No to the delegation of powers and provided a more sophisticated application. He made popular the Parliament, the City Council the authority only for the price deregulated areas, so for now only to provide for large customers. Only two years ago, the Delegation of the Parliament had been rightly rejected, and now have, with the exception of market opening for customers of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year, changed nothing essential.
"No dairy"
against the refusal of the Delegation of Switzerland said Erwin called the CVP, and Norbert Hodel for the FDP. The latter warned that the TBW, the einbrächten the city much money, confidence and the necessary room for maneuver earned. It may well change within two years, the opinion and learn more. Hodel also warned of too much political interference charges which is nothing more than hidden taxes had to recover. "The TBW are no dairy cow, milk the one and you could even say what it has to eat," stated the FDP parliamentarian.
But yes to the delegation
The vote on the agenda item on this electricity led to a "yes" unanimously to the new electricity prices. The consent to full transfer of sovereignty to the City Council price fell from just under. The application Sarbach was rejected by 17 votes to 16, middle of the Greens and the SP, the request of the City Council on this controversial issue was approved by 18 votes to 15. Again, no doubt it was the subordination of the Parliament's decision Delegation of powers relating to an optional referendum. For this sub-agenda item, there was a unanimous yes.
Wiler Zeitung, 29.8. '08, Richard Ammann
Parliament approved the meaningful because of market liberalization Delegation of powers to the executive
The electricity market opening brings new energy pricing structures. Required the submission of the Delegation of competence for the current pricing to the City Council was approved by Parliament.
The new beginning of October to come into force requires federal legislation for the power supply, as reported, a number of technical, accounting and withholding technical measures at the local level. The electricity price consists of three new components together on the electricity bills very soon, the cost of network use for the specific amount of energy as well as taxes (including the city) is treated separately. This is to achieve greater transparency and ensured be that the cost of network operations can be captured responsible party. This forces the technical operations Wil (TBW) to introduce new tariff and billing structures. The recent tariff categories are replaced with price labels. Amongst others is the unit price for households and small businesses is called (yet collective H) now, "tbwstrom.standard." The new product also "tbwstrom.ultra" is introduced for industrial bulk order of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year (so far fare F). know, these large customers are the first to benefit from the ongoing electricity market liberalization. As early as 1 January 2009, she can choose their electricity supplier. The complete Market access for households followed only five years later.
flexibility required
In view of the electricity market liberalization and its impact, the City Council requested the Parliament to change the TBW and the energy supply Regulations. In view of market liberalization, it was essential to transfer the decision-making authority for the electricity prices to the executive. In the new market realities flexibility and often very rapid action is necessary - some of the energy market is one minutes business has become. Also were striving to TBW, to keep in relation to the liberalization courted corporate customers. This target set competitive prices advance. Parliament to Decide to wait and remain no more time. Next put the City Council to the Parliament a price sheet with effect from 1 Day of October, the restructured electricity prices for their approval.
Constant current price
In the parliamentary debate was Reto Gehrig (CVP) announced that the commission work, both the new energy prices, and the transfer pricing authority to the City Council majority welcome. Not only is the electricity market requires rapid decision-making today, with the new federal law is the scope for pricing at the local level, particularly for the, on average, once a month, meeting Parliament, to a barely significant falling Minimum shrink. Councillor Andreas Widmer, head of the Department Committee on care and safety, the Commission added the comment with the statement that had been successful in Wil, what other cities have not made manifest. The system change did not lead to electricity price increases. are only a small, insignificant impact it by federal authorities given new, higher-level system of services.
No SP group
The Delegation of powers to the City Council might not agree with the Social Democrats. Named their group justified Silvia Ammann Schläpfer (SP), the negative attitude. yes Liberalized is merely the market for Large customers (which, however, represents more than 50 percent of sales), for 99 percent of the other current users (households, businesses, etc.) so everything remains the same. The spokeswoman for the SP group also criticized the fact that the new billing structure, the cost per kilowatt hour now you can no longer be at first glance. This effort would be needed in order to ensure sufficient clarity.
Michael Sarbach prowil graduated from the Green Party is the No to the delegation of powers and provided a more sophisticated application. He made popular the Parliament, the City Council the authority only for the price deregulated areas, so for now only to provide for large customers. Only two years ago, the Delegation of the Parliament had been rightly rejected, and now have, with the exception of market opening for customers of 100 000 kilowatt hours per year, changed nothing essential.
"No dairy"
against the refusal of the Delegation of Switzerland said Erwin called the CVP, and Norbert Hodel for the FDP. The latter warned that the TBW, the einbrächten the city much money, confidence and the necessary room for maneuver earned. It may well change within two years, the opinion and learn more. Hodel also warned of too much political interference charges which is nothing more than hidden taxes had to recover. "The TBW are no dairy cow, milk the one and you could even say what it has to eat," stated the FDP parliamentarian.
But yes to the delegation
The vote on the agenda item on this electricity led to a "yes" unanimously to the new electricity prices. The consent to full transfer of sovereignty to the City Council price fell from just under. The application Sarbach was rejected by 17 votes to 16, middle of the Greens and the SP, the request of the City Council on this controversial issue was approved by 18 votes to 15. Again, no doubt it was the subordination of the Parliament's decision Delegation of powers relating to an optional referendum. For this sub-agenda item, there was a unanimous yes.
Wiler Zeitung, 29.8. '08, Richard Ammann
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Playing Hd Through Vga
An additional seat as a choice destination
The lists and election statements of the Green Party and the Young Greens prowil
In a media briefing prowil have presented the Greens and the boys open their lists for the parliamentary elections. Further, the choice agenda, and some choice statements were announced.
The last of the parliamentary parties in the city on Monday evening, the Greens prowil and presented the boys open their lists. Many new things did not look out of it, the candidates have been quite official last week in a Publication of the City of Wil been announced. Of particular interest were the choice of targets and predictions for the coming legislative period, which were formulated by the party president Kurt Stocker.
Bergholz etappieren
According to him, seeking the Green Party prowil and with the Young Greens and cultural friends their associated lists an additional seat in the city parliament, which they would then reach the same level as now, the SP and the FDP. To work towards this goal, the Green Party different choice statements on current political issues have made. This includes being prepared exploiting dividend template for the renovation and expansion of the sports field Bergholz. It is recognized that the facilities are in poor condition, the renovation will cost the city in the future but financially strong. The Greens are prowil principle behind a renewal, and an indoor swimming pool is an advantage for Wil. Ensure that the project does not fail because of the high costs, the party advocated a gradual approach, with the renovation of existing facilities must be made immediately. In addition, the Greens prowil regret that the old town is becoming increasingly less attractive. The courts, led President Stocker to mediated for years a bleak impression.
The redesign of the courtyard of the church square and must finally be addressed be. Other topics of the election statements are the catalog Sichermachung of bicycle traffic (with the co-initiated cycle initiative) and the support of the already developed speed-30 concept. The station area and the alley is, this is a further testimony of the Green prowil election, perceived as unsafe at night. The transformation and revitalization of the avenue was forward. It also advocates a greater presence of security staff.
candidates for parliament
prowil The Greens have tabled for the city election a list of 18 names. It is run: Guido Wick, executive consultant, Esther Spina, school inspector / secondary teacher, Luc Department, Economist HWV, Eva Noger, primary school teacher / school principal (all current), and Urs Berger Pecora, typographic designer, Monika Grob, speech therapist, Peter Ensign, social worker, Susan Jung, biomedical analyst, Ulrich Gysel, college lecturer, Doris Rüegg Malgaroli, nurse DN2, Bruno Resegatti, computer, Kathrin Schmid-school remedial teacher, Werner Scherrer, interior designer, cook, Ursi Schmucki, Medical Office Assistant, Andreas Weber, IT, Christa Sommerer, teacher, Bernadette Strebel, remedial teacher, and Dominique Schweizer, MD (new all ). The list of the Young Greens by the two incumbent members, Michael Sarbach, student, and Laura Berger, Social worker stated. Next new candidates: Sandra Rüegg, student, Sebastian Koller, Student, Robin Bannister, Kaufmann, Matthias Löpfe, student, Claudia Büchel, dipl. Ing planners FH, Ambra Berger, a student, Manuel Dahinden, dipl. Environmental Natw. ETH, Vanessa host, bookseller, Andrea Kern, media scientist, Christian Gübeli, biology lab, Meret Noger, student, Gabriel Dahinden, electronics engineer / project manager, Rachel Schmid, a student, Benjamin Heutschi, market drivers, Linda Semm, a student, Jana Barbey, student, Arjen Visser, Student, and Tobias Winick, a student. All candidates on both lists are shown cumulatively.
the fight to the vacant City Council seat the Greens support its member Guido Wick, that is, as already described in detail, ported by a bipartisan committee. For the school board candidate Daniel Schönberger (yet), and Christa Sommerer (new). She is a teacher of home economics, textile work and work and seminar teacher and adult educator.
Wiler Zeitung, 13.8. '08, Richard Ammann
The lists and election statements of the Green Party and the Young Greens prowil
In a media briefing prowil have presented the Greens and the boys open their lists for the parliamentary elections. Further, the choice agenda, and some choice statements were announced.
The last of the parliamentary parties in the city on Monday evening, the Greens prowil and presented the boys open their lists. Many new things did not look out of it, the candidates have been quite official last week in a Publication of the City of Wil been announced. Of particular interest were the choice of targets and predictions for the coming legislative period, which were formulated by the party president Kurt Stocker.
Bergholz etappieren
According to him, seeking the Green Party prowil and with the Young Greens and cultural friends their associated lists an additional seat in the city parliament, which they would then reach the same level as now, the SP and the FDP. To work towards this goal, the Green Party different choice statements on current political issues have made. This includes being prepared exploiting dividend template for the renovation and expansion of the sports field Bergholz. It is recognized that the facilities are in poor condition, the renovation will cost the city in the future but financially strong. The Greens are prowil principle behind a renewal, and an indoor swimming pool is an advantage for Wil. Ensure that the project does not fail because of the high costs, the party advocated a gradual approach, with the renovation of existing facilities must be made immediately. In addition, the Greens prowil regret that the old town is becoming increasingly less attractive. The courts, led President Stocker to mediated for years a bleak impression.
The redesign of the courtyard of the church square and must finally be addressed be. Other topics of the election statements are the catalog Sichermachung of bicycle traffic (with the co-initiated cycle initiative) and the support of the already developed speed-30 concept. The station area and the alley is, this is a further testimony of the Green prowil election, perceived as unsafe at night. The transformation and revitalization of the avenue was forward. It also advocates a greater presence of security staff.
candidates for parliament
prowil The Greens have tabled for the city election a list of 18 names. It is run: Guido Wick, executive consultant, Esther Spina, school inspector / secondary teacher, Luc Department, Economist HWV, Eva Noger, primary school teacher / school principal (all current), and Urs Berger Pecora, typographic designer, Monika Grob, speech therapist, Peter Ensign, social worker, Susan Jung, biomedical analyst, Ulrich Gysel, college lecturer, Doris Rüegg Malgaroli, nurse DN2, Bruno Resegatti, computer, Kathrin Schmid-school remedial teacher, Werner Scherrer, interior designer, cook, Ursi Schmucki, Medical Office Assistant, Andreas Weber, IT, Christa Sommerer, teacher, Bernadette Strebel, remedial teacher, and Dominique Schweizer, MD (new all ). The list of the Young Greens by the two incumbent members, Michael Sarbach, student, and Laura Berger, Social worker stated. Next new candidates: Sandra Rüegg, student, Sebastian Koller, Student, Robin Bannister, Kaufmann, Matthias Löpfe, student, Claudia Büchel, dipl. Ing planners FH, Ambra Berger, a student, Manuel Dahinden, dipl. Environmental Natw. ETH, Vanessa host, bookseller, Andrea Kern, media scientist, Christian Gübeli, biology lab, Meret Noger, student, Gabriel Dahinden, electronics engineer / project manager, Rachel Schmid, a student, Benjamin Heutschi, market drivers, Linda Semm, a student, Jana Barbey, student, Arjen Visser, Student, and Tobias Winick, a student. All candidates on both lists are shown cumulatively.
the fight to the vacant City Council seat the Greens support its member Guido Wick, that is, as already described in detail, ported by a bipartisan committee. For the school board candidate Daniel Schönberger (yet), and Christa Sommerer (new). She is a teacher of home economics, textile work and work and seminar teacher and adult educator.
Wiler Zeitung, 13.8. '08, Richard Ammann
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