interview on climate policy
an interview, which I have answered for a short apprenticeship work.
a. What climate change means for the Greens?
It is scheduled for a change! The aim of the Open is clearly reaching the energy model of the "2000 Watt Society".
b. How is this manifested?
with various national, cantonal and municipal efforts. One example is the Air Initiative:
The environmental committee of the National Council calls for reduction of CO2 emissions by 20% from 1990 to 2020. This is not enough if we avoid the worst of human and environmental want. The Climate Initiative, which was launched in May 2007, calls for a reduction of 30%. This intention, which is quite realistic demands effective measures in the renewable energy and energy efficiency. Until November 2007, just over five months after its launch, already 120,000 signatures were collected. The Climate Initiative, which came in record time and it is the sign of the Bundesrat. It is officially on 29 February 2008 filed with the Federal Chancellery.
c. What is the significance climate policy for you personally?
The earth is the foundation of our existence. We must finally begin to take responsibility. Our current way of life means that future generations have to pay for our reckless behavior. Therefore, I am dedicated to measures by Switzerland to the goal - does bit by bit - the "2000-watt society". This a balancing act is needed because the economy is especially for the change to take place so that no massive handicaps.
d. keyword "Gruner perspective: efficiency and renewable energy." How the Greens want
increase energy efficiency?
mainly with energy-saving measures and the promotion of renewable energy. A good example is the energy initiative St. Gallen in the canton:
particularly in the field of building renovation, additional measures are required.
e. What do you think is useful?
Each measure should follow the cost - are valued principle. Most measures such as solar energy in buildings for hot water production, alternative heating systems, water and electricity saving measures pay off in the short term and very direct. F. Very
her one possibility is to work together that the different parties? Or is this completely unrealistic?
In the real policy is working very much with the other parties. Especially before the election surprise Civil especially Parties time and again with advances and commitment to climate protection. Unfortunately, they show themselves each after the elections less willing to cooperate. On the whole, but the shift in thinking has already begun and the other parties have recognized the problem at last.
g. What is the importance of renewable energies?
Renewable energies are the future! In this area need to focus our efforts. Switzerland is able to take back a leadership position in renewable energy.
More info:
h. It is said that the fossil energy sources are running low. there still is enough time available to re-think globally?
We have not in fact infinite time. Therefore, Green politics is more important than ever. Thus, the adaptation of our society, particularly the economy, can be done without massive losses, must be started immediately with the conversion.
i. What is your vision for the future of climate and energy policy?
The 2000-watt society ", an initiative of the ETH ( Their goal is a sustainable energy supply based on new technologies and approaches, and increased efficiencies in the conversion of primary to useful energy. This vision should reflect the real policy.
j. In Switzerland, there will be 2010, an energy shortage. How will / should this shortage be bridged?
Switzerland will convert either now active in alternative energy or suffer an energy crisis. The majority of politicians in this regard has been sleeping for years and even now torpedoed effective measures in the field of renewable energies. We must act now or we will actually have an energy shortage.
Concrete measures are in the "basic document Energy Policy 2050" related to the Green Party of Switzerland:
k. On your website you write that we are finally beginning to , sustainable to take responsibility for our lifestyle. How is this possible?
The climate is everybody! It is probably unnecessary to enumerate various energy saving measures that can meet any budget without having to restrict themselves to. It is important to be taken on a small scale, as well as in the large, measures. Also, I find it extremely important that the market share increased by so-called "Fair Trade" products. It supports the purchase of such products not only its own initiative in other countries, but also concrete energy efficiency and environmental conservation projects globally. In addition, the polluter pays principle should finally be introduced by means of an incentive taxes ecological tax reform. It aims to tax energy consumption and to reduce labor costs. Today, high costs burden the "labor". The energy tax to help finance the social security system. When energy is more expensive, is the result of nature, work, and it helps the Swiss economy to a lead in environmentally friendly technologies.
l. What they think are tools to achieve this goal?
ecological tax reform, promotion and development of renewable energy, CO2 taxes, prohibition of excessive damaging vehicles (eg off-roader, if not necessary., consistent and efficient Building renovations.
m. Do you think that the public schools could be indicative of a sustainable development?
The elementary schools have to include issues such as climate change, energy saving and consumption behavior reinforced. In many towns and cities whole project weeks held on such matters. These issues are fixed in the cantonal curricula. The trend is definitely in the right direction, but there is much potential for improvement!
n. Is there cause for concern? Or we may look to the future peace of mind in the hope that the policy presents viable solutions?
measures against global warming must be local, but are addressed globally. Switzerland is now lagging far behind in the European comparison, unfortunately, after it was counted in the 90 years to the most progressive countries. We must lead by example and commit ourselves to strengthen global treaties and agreements. On the whole I am very confident because now most of the other parties have also recognized the seriousness of the situation.